The Cell Part 3
Organelles - Vacuoles Stores water, salts, proteins and carbohydrates Plants often have a single large vacuole filled with liquid – the pressure provided by this gives plants strength to support leaves, flowers, etc. Some single cell organisms have vacuoles Some animal cells have vacuoles
Organelles - Vacuoles Vacuoles would be the storage area (warehouse) of the factory Paramecium have a contractile vacuole which can contract and pump water out of the cell to maintain a controlled internal environment (homeostasis)
Organelles - Mitochondria Convert chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are easier for cells to use. Has an outer membrane and an inner membrane as an enclosure The inner membrane is folded up inside the mitochondria
Organelles - Mitochondria In humans, nearly all of our mitochondria come from the cytoplasm from our mother’s egg cell The mitochondria is like the power plant that supplies the factory with electricity
Organelles - Chloroplasts Found in plants and a few other organisms Capture energy from sunlight and convert it into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis Surrounded by 2 membranes (like mitochondria) Contains chlorophyll – a green pigment Chloroplasts are like solar power plants in a factory
Organelles – Cytoskeleton Acts as the support structure and transportation system of the cell The cytoskeleton is like the steel beams and concrete columns that hold up the factory building.
Organelles - Cytoskeleton Made up of protein filaments Microfilaments – threadlike structures made of a protein called actin. Provide a tough, flexible framework that supports the cell. (Amoebas assemble & disassemble microfilaments as a source of movement.) Microtubules – hollow structures made up of proteins called tubulins. They help maintain cell shape and help to separate chromosomes in cell division.
Organelles - Cytoskeleton In animal cells (not plant cells) centrioles are structures in the nucleus made of tubulin that help organize cell division Microtubules also help build cilia and flagella which help with cell movement In cilia, specifically, the microtubules are arranged in a 9+2 pattern