Created by Sandra McLendon November 2001
$100 Question This person is anti-slavery. SuffragistAbolitionist MosesConductor
Your FINAL ANSWER, “Abolitionist,” Was Correct! $250 Question Who was friends with Anthony? Jane Addams Bertha Palmer Harriet Tubman Elizabeth Stanton
Your FINAL ANSWER “Elizabeth Stanton,” Was Correct! $ 500 Question A _____ is for the woman’s vote. Suffragist ConductorPacifist Abolitionist
Your FINAL ANSWER, “Suffragist,” Was Correct! $1000 Question Who won the Nobel Peace Prize? Elizabeth Stanton Susan AnthonyJane Addams Harriet Tubman
Your FINAL ANSWER, “Jane Addams,” Was Correct! $2500 Question She was called Moses? Harriet Tubman Susan Anthony Bertha Palmer Jane Addams
Your FINAL ANSWER, “Harriet Tubman,” Was Correct! $5000 Question She was from Chicago society? Jane Addams Elizabeth Stanton Bertha Palmer Harriet Tubman
Your FINAL ANSWER, “Bertha Palmer,” Was Correct! $10,000 Question Who wrote The Woman’s Bible? Jane Addams Susan AnthonyElizabeth Stanton Harriet Tubman
Your FINAL ANSWER, “Susan Anthony,” Is Correct! $25,000 Question Who was born a slave? Jane Addams Susan AnthonyHarriet Tubman Elizabeth Stanton
Your FINAL ANSWER, “Harriet Tubman,” Was Correct! $50,000 Question Jane Addams started _____? Pendleton House Hull HouseAddams House Peace House
Your FINAL ANSWER, “Hull House,” Was Correct! $100,000 Question Who was the most dangerous woman in the United States? Jane Addams Susan AnthonyBertha Palmer Harriet Tubman
Your FINAL ANSWER, “Jane Addams,” Was Correct! $250,000 Question Who was named the Conductor? Jane Addams Susan AnthonyElizabeth Stanton Harriett Tubman
Your FINAL ANSWER, “Harriet Tubman,” Was Correct! $500,000 Question Who worked with the slums of Chicago? Jane Addams Bertha PalmerElizabeth Stanton Harriet Tubman
Your FINAL ANSWER, “Bertha Palmer,” Was Correct! $1,000,000 Question She was featured on a United States $1.00 coin. Jane Addams Susan AnthonyBertha Palmer Harriet Tubman
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Your FINAL ANSWER, “Susan B. Anthony,” Was Correct!
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Credits for Photographs Bertha Honore Palmer.” c. 1890s. Chicago History. []. (November 15, 2001) "Elizabeth Cady Stanton and her daughter, Harriot--from a daguerreotype 1856." Between 1890 and 1910 of daguerreotype taken By Popular Demand: "Votes for Women“ Suffrage Pictures, , Library of Congress. [ (November 15, 2001}. Jane Addams Hull House Museum, Line Drawing. No Date. [ jaddams/ hull/firsts.html] (November 10, 2001). "Portrait of Harriet Tubman." Courtesy of the Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University. [ gov/cgi- bin/page.cgi/aa/tubman] (November 10, 2001).
Taylor, Alice. “Oil Painting of Jane Addams.” [ org/AOTM/Mar98/mar98fact1.html] (November 10, 2001). Taylor, S. A. " Susan Anthony, full length portrait facing left." Between 1890 and [ (November 10, 2001). Water, Ed. D., "Jane Addams, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left." [ addams] (November 10, 2001). U. S. Mint. “Susan B. Anthony Dollar photograph.”] (November 10, 2001.)