What were Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti charged with and convicted of?
What did the Ku Klux Klan do in the 1920s to expand its membership?
The immigration policies of the 1920s limited immigration from which countries?
What did Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer believe he needed to protect the American people from?
What happened to union membership in the 1920s?
What was the first practical peacetime use of airplanes for?
What was the main factor causing urban sprawl in the 1920s?
What did the Teapot Dome scandal center around?
What was the Fordney-McCumber Tariff meant to do?
To protect their own interests, what did employers often accuse striking workers of being?
What are anarchists?
What strike caused the Massachusetts governor, Calvin Coolidge, to call out the National Guard?
What was the panic surrounding the threat of communism in the early 1920s called?
What was adopted in 1922 with the purpose of raising taxes on imported goods?
What form of credit does “A dollar down and a dollar forever” represent?
What was the main goal of the Washington Naval Conference?
What were the personal friends that President Harding put into his cabinet known as?
Why was the quota system of the 1920s created?
What scandal involved the secret leasing of government-owned oil reserves for profitable use by private companies?
What was the quota system of the 1920s? Explain why it was established, who it affected, and several results of the policy.
What technological invention or advancement of the 1920s had the biggest impact on the life of the average American? Explain your opinion.
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