Lakeside Union School District Immersion Program Special Board Meeting April 25, 2013
We have pulled together an Immersion Steering Committee to address identified critical issues before us as we determine positive ways to support the program due to growth Purpose
Riverview Principal – Olympia Kyriakidis Riverview Parent Chinese Immersion, Cynthia Richardson Riverview Parent Spanish Immersion, Kelly Palmer TDS & LMS Principals – Scott Goergens/Steve Mull Superintendent – David Lorden Assistant Superintendent – Tina Brady Deputy Superintendent – Kamran Azimzadeh HR Director – Stacy Coble GUHSD Assistant Superintendent of Ed Services - Theresa Kemper GUHSD Director of Curriculum - Robin Ballarin World Language Department Chair at El Capitan HS - Andie Cooke El Capitan Principal - Laura Whitaker Board President – Gelia Cook LTA President – Cathy Zmijewski Elementary Principal Rep - Rhonda Taylor Immersion Parent Rep - Cookie Davis Riverview Staff Rep - Jerry Gonzalez Director of Maintenance and Operations -Todd Owens Committee Members
The current trajectory we are on forecasts that the program has the potential to grow to a total of 1,200 students: 200 at each grade level. 200 Kindergartners enrolled for 904 total students are enrolled in K-5 for There has been a net increase of $348,738 in revenue for the fiscal year The program is not costing the District extra money. Program
1.Staffing 2.Immersion Programs at both Middle Schools 3.Facilities 4.Funding for 3 rd Language 5.High School Programs 6.Parent Engagement Critical Issues Identified
Staffing Move large number of temporary teachers to probationary status Recruit and retain Chinese and Spanish teachers for elementary and middle schools Provide essential support staff: Curriculum Coach (TOSAs) in Chinese and Spanish & Vice Principal Implement and sustain a quality Internship Program at elementary and middle school level Priority #1: Staffing
Immersion Programs at both Middle Schools and High School beginning Providing quality programs at both schools Offering a 3 rd Language Timeline for implementing at TdS Determining what Immersion Program will encompass at each school Priority #2 Middle School Immersion
Facilities Housing students due to growth Transitioning Winter Gardens to host 1 st graders Priority #3 Facilities
Providing the necessary resources Instructional Supplies Support Materials Outreach/Communication Priority #4 Funding
Collaborate with GUHSD to develop a high school pathway for incoming students Priority #5 High School Immersion
Communication Engaging them Appropriately Priority #6 Working With Parents
Priority #1: Adequate Staffing (School/District) Hire a (.7) Immersion VP for Winter Gardens and (.3) Immersion Spanish Teacher for TdS for Hire two fulltime district immersion TOSAs (2.0) One for Spanish Immersion One for Chinese Immersion Begin Intern Program at both middle schools At their April 25 th BoE meeting, Trustees provided direction for staff to pursue these recommendations Steering Committee Recommendations
Priority #2: Quality Immersion Programs at both TdS and LMS Begin Spanish Immersion at TdS in if a minimum of 20 students enroll at TdS Continue with developing Chinese Enrichment at TdS Recommendations
Priority #5: Collaborate with GUHSD to Develop Immersion Program for Incoming High Students Representatives from GUHSD reported to Steering Committee on that El Capitan High School will be the designated site for high school immersion Recommendations