Department of Education Strategic Policy and Planning (SPP)
Department of Education
Role of SPP The Strategic Policy and Planning (SPP) Unit supports the Minister, Secretary and the Deputy Secretary (Early Years and Schools) by providing high level advice on and support for the development and implementation of the Government’s and the department’s strategic priorities.
Department of Education What we do – key aspects 1.Manage the development and review of strategic and operational policies for the division. 2.Provide advice to departmental staff in relation to policy development and implementation. 3.Support and coordinate agency wide initiatives and priority issues. 4.Provide administrative support and coordinate information for the Secretary, Deputy Secretary (EYS) and other senior managers of the department. 5.Work closely with other business units, particularly Legal Services.
Department of Education Examples Recent policy documents –Event Management Policy and Guidelines –Duty of Care –Use of Vehicles in Child and Family Centres –Entertainment Expenses Procedure –Corporate Card Procedure –Administration of Medication (being updated) Procedures –Specific Health Issues Procedures –School Based Immunisations Working Groups –Inclusion Working Group - Disability –Minister’s Action Plan on Year 11 and 12 State-wide initiative/priorities –Chaplaincy –School Breakfast Program –Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex (LGBTI) –Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse –School Transition Fund Support for the Deputy Secretary (EYS) –Diary and meeting support –Coordinate key processes for the EYS Division – e.g. incoming government briefings, estimates committee briefings –Budget monitoring Right to Information and Personal Information Protection Coordinate National Council responses (Education Council and AEEYSOC – Secretary and Minister) Registrar of the Schools Registration Board DoE Representative on THEAC
Department of Education DoE Policy Framework
Department of Education Policy on Policy Development Under review. Primary focus is non-schools. Consistent approach across the agency. Assists staff to develop best practice policy. Provides schools with an understanding of agency policy making and how it relates to school based policy.
Department of Education What about school based policies? School based policies are the responsibility of schools. Must be informed and aligned with agency wide policies.
Department of Education Where to find documents - Internet
Department of Education Where to find documents - Intranet
Department of Education Resources and Communication from Secretary at the start of the school year - provides a list of all key policy documents. Early Years and Schools Newsletter (currently sent to principals). Infostream Learning Service newsletters Principal forums Legal Issues Handbook for Schools (developed by Legal Services and available on the Intranet)
Department of Education Feedback and Survey We continually review our policy documents so feedback is welcomed. This can be directed through your learning services or via Survey We want to find out how best to capture your expertise. What works? What doesn’t? Do we target information correctly? E.g. through principals. Best ways to consult with SBMs?
Department of Education How to contact us? For further information or advice please contact us: Or Anita Griffin – Manager SPP
Department of Education Further contact Aaron Gadd Monique Gowans Joel Palmer Amy Robertson Angelene Whelan (Admin support – Deputy Secretary) Amy Heffernan (Admin Support – Deputy Secretary) Suzanne Pennicott-Jones (Legal Services)