JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012 Registration is always Fun! Don’t forget the Hotdogs & Beers!
Ok, back to work you two!!Let’s just drink.. Forget golf! JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
Are you the club pros??Don’t listen to her…. JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
One of the New Sponsors We thank the Blue Claws again this year as well in the past! JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
Our Sponsors for 2012 Even t
Who left these guys in??? He drives.. I play! JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
Yes, honey, we played golf! Tim who???????? JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
He hit you.. Not Me!! I got a hole in one.. How bout you! JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
Taxi anyone?? Coach Palmer saves the day! JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
One more beer and we all fall down Where’s the beach? JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
Golf Course DUI officials ?? Where’s the party? JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
Aren’t you supposed to be on the putting green? Who’s watching the merchandise? JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
Really nice Baskets this year A lot of sport related items JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
Alright.. You’re either an Eagle or a Giant Beach Party basket will work! JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
Some really neat prizes! Ok, Coach, Let the ladies work! JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
Ok, try putting with a hockey stick Big Shot! Wow, I think he did it! JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
Ur under arrest.. For cheating! Well, if he can do it then….. JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
The hole is where??? For the Stanley Cup? JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
Maybe I use this on the course! FDA Food inspectors??? JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
We are Family.. Says Sister Sledge Where do the cool dudes sit? JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
So now what? It’s all mine!!! JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
Someone give Tim something to Hold! Did u count all the strokes?? JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012
You thought you could beat me! The Plaque says it all! JMIHBC 2 ND ANNUAL GOLF EVENT June 8 TH, 2012