Bellringer 1/26- Remember to be in your seats and quiet by the bell. Find your name; don’t remove post it from desk Write the following days in Spanish using your alphabet. Then look them up in your book. 1. ese-á-be-a-de-o 5. de-o-eme-i-ene-ge-o 2. jota-u-e-ve-e-ese 6. eme-i-é-ere-ce-o-ele-e-ese 3. ele-u-ene-e-ese 7. eme-a-ere-te-e-ese 4. ve-i-e-ere-ene-e-ese
a “ah” (a) Spanish letter English letterHow it sounds
be “bay” (b)
ce “say” (c)
che “chay” (ch)
de “day” (d)
e “eh”(e)
efe “eh-fay” (f)
ge “hay” (g)
hache “ah-chay” (h)
i “ee” (i)
jota “ho-tah” (j)
ka “kah” (k)
ele “ellay” (l)
elle “eh-yay” (ll)
eme “eh-may” (m)
ene “eh-nay”(n)
eñe “eh-nyay” (ñ)
o “oh” (o)
pe “pay” (p)
cu “koo”(q)
ere “eh-rray” (r)
erre “eh-rrrray” (rr)
ese “eh-say” (s)
te “tay”(t)
u “oo” (u)
ve “vay” (v)
uve doble “oovay doblay” (w)
equis “eh-kees”(x)
i griega “ee gree-eh-gah” (y)
zeta “zay-tah” (z)
Now get with a partner and say the alphabet to each other 3 times each. Help each other out-if your partner is saying a letter wrong, correct them.
Take a second and write out your first, middle, and last name. Example: If I did my first and last name, it would be: eme-o-elle-i griega efe-a-i-ere-ce-hache-i-ele-de (Molly Fairchild)
Now spell your first, middle, and last name for each other (in Spanish) and your partner should write it down. (Make sure your partner doesn’t see it on your paper)
Things to remember: Each Spanish vowel only has one sound-E says “eh” and I says “ee” mesa, teléfono piña, bonita H is always silent hola, hora, hablar, hoy J is like H, except harsher jugar, jueves, pelirroja Before E and I, G sounds the same as J gimnasio, inteligente Before A, O, and U, G is a “hard G” gato, guitarra, gorra
S, C, Z In Mexico and Latin America, S, C, and Z all sound the same salsa, silla centro, ciencias (soft C) carpeta, cuaderno, coro (hard C) zapatos, zona In Spain, C and Z have a “th” sound (when they would have a soft C) centro, ciencias zapatos, zona
B and V B and V both sound like a soft B with a slight V sound vivir, abuelo, revista, aburrido D and T When pronouncing D, put your tongue between your teeth and when pronouncing T, the tip of your tongue should hit the back of your teeth and it should be much softer than normal nadar, media, cuaderno, madre, usted, tarde, lado tía, toalla, triste, traje, tengo, tarde
C, P, Q, and T These letters are not pronounced with a puff of air as in English; they are much softer carpeta, papá, patinar, parque, queso, tarjeta
Write two paragraphs: Paragraph 1: Why are you taking Spanish? What experience do you have with Spanish? What are your desired goals for this semester? (5 sentences) Paragraph 2: Why is it important to learn Spanish? Give at least 3 reasons. (5 sentences) (Think about how you would write an English paper when you write this...use correct grammar, transitions, etc.)