Childbirth at Risk Chapter 21
Dystocia Disruption of labor Emotional factors Contractions Fetus Pelvis Relation between pelvis and fetus
Contractions Hypertonic (latent) labor- irregular in strength and timing Do not change cervix. Tx- augmentation Hypotonic (active) labor-less than 2-3 ucs in 10 minutes. Due to overdistention
Nursing Assessment Contractions FHT Coping Dehydration Fluid Infection
Post term Pregnancy Past 42 wks Associate with LGA, assisted delivery, oligo, mec aspiration, decrease perfusion After 40 weeks need NST, BPP X2 q week
Malposition OP common malposition -most rotate May visualize depression in maternal abdomen above symphysis Change positions- pelvic rocking, hand knees Assess for extreme back pain
Malpresentation Brow-widest diameter. Face wks Heart tones high Risk for prolapse T-lie- r/t multiparity, ECV Compound presentation
Macrosomia Greater than 4000 gms, risk for dystocia McRoberts, suprapubic pressure Greater than 4500 plan C/S Assess for Erb’s, motor problem Maternal risk for PPH “Falling off” the labor curve
Multiple Gestation High risk, type of multiple gestation determines risk Associated with PIH, PTL, previa, malpresentation Need NST, BPP, serial UTZ Many need bed rest
Intrauterine Resuscitation Decreased uterine placental flow NSG- turn to L lat, IV fluids, give 02 Correct maternal hypotension Turn off pit Explain to family
IUFD Perinatal death after 20 weeks Can cause DIC. Thromboplastin activates clotting system FIB., and factor V and VII are depleted DX confirmed by Spaulding’s sign, estriol levels, no heart tones
Parents of Stillborn Protest, refuse to believe. Disorganization Reorganization- time frame varies Use checklist Give mementos
Abruptio Placentae Cause may be decrease in blood flow. Marginal- at edges, may bleed vaginally Central-separates centrally, concealed Complete- massive bleed total separation S/S include rigid abdomen, constant pain
Abruption Retroplacental clotting can prompt release of thromboplastin, lead to DIC With severe abruption mortality 100% Eval. fibrinogen and platelets Often uterine resting tone is elevated
Placenta Previa Located in lower uterine segment, may cover whole os, or portion. NO VE With dilatation and ucs villi are torn from uterus and leave sinus exposed Hemorrhage can cause fetal hypoxia Painless bright red blood Assess fetal response to blood loss
Prolapsed Cord Cord presents before fetus, vessels occluded Monitor FHT following SROM or with amniotomy X 1min If feel cord push up head to relieve pressure Knee chest-Trendelenburg to OR Preventative- make sure head is engaged
Amniotic Fluid Emboli Break in chorion or amnion can allow amniotic fluid to enter maternal system Uterus forces emboli from circulation to lung S/S Give 02, CPR, ABO
Hydramnios Cause unknown, r/t with fetal anomalies. Rh sensitization, DM, multiple gestations Fetus swallows and urinates amniotic fluid Associated with SOB, edema Abruption if size of uterus reduced quickly Nursing- increase in fundal hgt, FHTs
Oligohydramnios Associated with IUGR, postmaturity, renal, kidney, uterine placental insufficiency Restricts fetal movement, effects lungs, cord compression. Increase fetal surveillance Amnioinfusion Reposition
CPD Head larger than pelvis Assess diagonal conjugate Bulging perineum and crowning indicate imminent delivery Fetus will not descend Fall off the labor curve Position change
Lacerations First degree- perineal skin, fourchette, vaginal mucous Second- skin underlying fascia, muscle Third-anal sphincter, ant. wall of rectum Fourth- through rectal mucousa to lumen