9 FETAL PERIOD Period beginning from 3 rd month to the end of the intrauterine life. Period beginning from 3 rd month to the end of the intrauterine life. CROWN RUMP (CR) LENGTH– sitting height. Measurement from the vertex of the skull to the midpoint between the apices of the buttocks. CROWN RUMP (CR) LENGTH– sitting height. Measurement from the vertex of the skull to the midpoint between the apices of the buttocks. From 5 th week is taken. From 5 th week is taken.
10 Till 4 th week – No. of somites CROWN- HEEL LENGTH-(CH) LENGTH-measurement from the vertex to the heel( standing height). CROWN- HEEL LENGTH-(CH) LENGTH-measurement from the vertex to the heel( standing height). Growth in length is more during 3,4, and 5 th months. Growth in length is more during 3,4, and 5 th months. Increase in wt. – last 2 months. Increase in wt. – last 2 months.
11 Fetus is covered by fine hair- LANUGO HAIR. Fetus is covered by fine hair- LANUGO HAIR. During the 5 th month-movements of the fetus are recognized by the mother. During the 5 th month-movements of the fetus are recognized by the mother. External genitalia develop to such a degree that by 12 th week the sex of the fetus can be determined. External genitalia develop to such a degree that by 12 th week the sex of the fetus can be determined.
12 -At birth Fetus has 3000gm wt, CR 36 cm CH 50 cm. CH 50 cm. -Delivery before 7 th - difficult to survive for the fetus. -Delivery after 7 th to 9 th month can survive if external airway and nutrition are maintained. Mainly because CNS and Resp system coordination is not fully develop. -IUGR-Intrauterine growth retardation. -SGA-Small for gestational age- small for dates. -Large fetus- great risk- post dates and maternal diabetes.
13 DIAGNOSIS 1. ULTRASONOGRAPHY– Placental and fetal size and position. Multiple births. Sex, malformations(mostly neural tube defects).
14 2.AMNIOCENTESIS– With drawing amniotic fluid. Not prior to 14 th week. Fluid analyzed for α – fetoprotein(AFP). Fluid analyzed for α – fetoprotein(AFP). Increased in neural tube defects-spina bifida and anencephaly. Fetal cells-grown in culture & analyzed for chromosomal abnormalities.
15 3.CHORIONIC VILLUS BIOPSY– New technique. Advantage-can be done from 8 th week also. Advantage-can be done from 8 th week also. Immediate cell analysis. Immediate cell analysis. Disadvantage- AFP cannot be analyzed.