Reproduction and Development of the Human Reproductive Systems Chapter 15: The Male and Female Reproductive Systems Lesson 15.1 Reproduction and Development of the Human Reproductive Systems
Fetal development SRY gene is present No SRY gene 7th week of development male sex organs begin to development No SRY gene 8th week of development female sex organs begin development
Male Reproductive System Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 15: The Male and Female Reproductive Systems Lesson 15.2 Male Reproductive System Anatomy and Physiology
Male Reproductive Anatomy
Male Reproductive Anatomy scrotum and testes sperm production mature in epididymis penis delivers sperm contains erectile tissue
Male Reproductive Anatomy ducts ductus deferens ejaculatory duct accessory glands and semen seminal glands prostate gland bulbourethral glands
Male Reproductive Physiology sperm formation spermatogenesis begins at puberty, ends…@DEATH sexual response Erection-erectile tissue filled with blood Ejaculation- propulsion of semen
Sperm Cell
Female Reproductive System Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 15: The Male and Female Reproductive Systems Lesson 15.3 Female Reproductive System Anatomy and Physiology
Female Reproductive System Anatomy
Female Reproductive System Anatomy ovaries oocyte egg cell ovulation release of egg from ovary
Female Reproductive System Anatomy ducts uterine tubes connect ovary to uterus uterus–womb endometrium cervix
Female Reproductive System Anatomy vagina birth canal external genitalia labia clitoris mammary glands lactation
Oogenesis oocyte production process begins before birth primary oocyte secondary oocyte polar bodies
The Female Sexual Cycle menstrual cycle ovarian cycle maturation and release of oocyte Days 1-14 uterine cycle uterus readies for implantation
The Ovarian Cycle Follicular phase primary follicle Luteal phase pituitary gland releases FSH and LH ovulation Luteal phase Secretes LH Corpus Luteum disintegrates after 10 days (if no fertilization)
The Uterine Cycle menstrual phase proliferative phase secretory phase days 1-5; endometrium breaks down and sheds proliferative phase days leading to ovulation; endometrium grows back secretory phase Ovulationendometrium prepares to nourish embryo
Fertilization, Pregnancy, and Birth Chapter 15: The Male and Female Reproductive Systems Lesson 15.4 Fertilization, Pregnancy, and Birth
Fertilization, Pregnancy, and Birth fertilization of oocyte pregnancy childbirth lactation
Fertilization of the Oocyte journey of sperm vagina, uterus, uterine tube capacitation can take 10 hours sperm penetration zona pellucida acrosomal enzymes
Fertilization of the Oocyte only 1 sperm is required for fertilization more than 1 = death of oocyte chemistry of zona pellucida changes after sperm entry Sperm entry, completion of meiosis and fertilization Contact with ZP activates Acrosomal enzymes Nejron Photo/
Pregnancy lasts approximately 265 days (if by last period, 9 months-1 week or 280 days) from fertilization to implantation development of placenta, embryo, and fetus
From Fertilization to Implantation cell stages Zygote- fertilized egg, less than 16 cells Morula- solid ball,16 cells Blastocyst- sheds zona pellucida, enters uterine cavity, fluid-filled cavity, develops trophoblast implantation Day 15 of uterine cycle; blastocyst binds to endometrium High hCG retains endometrium
From Fertilization to Implantation
Development of Placenta, Embryo, and Fetus Implantation-8 weeks Fetus 8+ weeks of development Placenta supplies nutrients to embryo and fetus
Childbirth Parturition = birth; prostaglandins from placenta stimulate contractions Contractions last1 min every 2-3 minutes oxytocin stages of labor Dilation- full is 10 cm Expulsion- full dilation delivery delivery of placenta Detaches from uterine wall
Lactation production of breast milk activation of milk-producing cells prolactin delivery of milk through ducts to nipple oxytocin
Disorders and Diseases of the Reproductive System Chapter 15: The Male and Female Reproductive Systems Lesson 15.5 Disorders and Diseases of the Reproductive System
Infertility male infertility female infertility low sperm count erectile dysfunction female infertility failure to ovulate inability of egg to reach uterine tube lack of implantation
Infertility treatment for infertility in vitro fertilization lifestyle changes drugs to induce ovulation surgery to correct anatomical issues in vitro fertilization oocyte and sperm combined outside mother’s body
Cancers of the Reproductive System prostate cancer PSA test cancers of the female reproductive tract uterine cancer ovarian cancer cervical cancer breast cancer