When Sperm Meets Egg
In females, the sex cells are called eggs. Eggs are produced in sex organs called ovaries. Sex cells – egg An egg is so big that this is how small a sperm looks next to it. nucleus containing chromosomes jelly coat cytoplasm membrane
Sperm Motility
Sperm meets egg
Cell division
Identical vs. fraternal twins
5 Day Old Human Blastocysts
An embryo forms a plate-like structure called the placenta. The umbilical cord joins the fetus to the placenta. In the placenta, food and oxygen diffuse from the mother’s blood into the blood of the fetus. Carbon dioxide and waste products diffuse from the blood of the fetus to the mother’s blood. How does an embryo get food and oxygen and how does it get rid of waste? The placenta
The Placenta
In the earliest stages of development, a human baby is called an embryo. After the first eight weeks of pregnancy, a human embryo is then called a fetus. At this stage the fetus has all the main human features. The fetus continues to develop and grow inside its mothers’ uterus for a total of 40 weeks. From embryo to fetus
Conception – 4 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks 16 weeks 20 weeks 24 weeks 28 weeks 32 weeks weeks
First trimester Conception – 4 weeks Less 1/10 inch long Beginning of spinal cord, nervous system, heart, intestinal system and lungs Amniotic Sac – clear fluid, in which the unborn baby floats and moves
First trimester 8 weeks Less than 1 inch Face forming – eyes, ears, mouth Arms and legs are moving Heartbeat detectable
First trimester 12 weeks 3 inches and weighs 1 oz Moving fingers and toes Finger prints Can smile, frown, swallow and urinate
Second trimester 16 weeks 5 ½ inches long, 4 oz Strong heartbeat Thin skin Downy hair over body Fingernails and toe nails develop
Second trimester 20 weeks inches Sucks thumb Hiccup Hair, eyelashes and eyebrows Rolls over fluid
Second trimester 24 weeks inches 1 ½ lbs Wrinkled skin Open eyes Strong grip
Third trimester 28 weeks inches, 2 ½ - 3 lbs Adding body fat Very active
Third trimester 32 weeks 16 ½ - 18 inches, 4 – 5 lbs Sleep/awake Responds to sounds
Third trimester weeks 19 inches 6lbs Skin less wrinkled Gaining immunities from mother
Period of prenatal development Embryonic Period Occurs 2-8 weeks after conception Rate increases of cell division, support systems for the cells form, organs appear Germinal period Takes place in first 2 weeks after conception Creation of zygote (fertilized egg), cell division attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall
Period of prenatal development Embryonic Period Occurs 2-8 weeks after conception Rate increases of cell division, support systems for the cells form, organs appear The mass of cells attached to the uterine wall forms three layers and is now called the embryo Endoderm – inner layer of cells will develop into digestive and respiratory systems Ectoderm – outer layer of cells will become the nervous systems and sensory receptors (ears, nose, eyes and skin) Mesoderm – middle layer – will develop into the circulatory system, bones, muscle, excretory system and reproductive system
Period of prenatal development Fetal Period 2 months of conception Last for 7 months Development is very dramatic
44 First Stage of Childbirth During labor the bottom part of the uterus enlarges occurs during the first stage of labor. The babies head is about 9.5 centimeters therefore the cervix has to extend at about 10 centimeters.
45 Doctor supports baby’s head and shoulders. Doctor supports baby’s head as it exits the uterus. Hold the baby face down clear mouth of mucus and fluids. The Birth
So cute