90 Day Leadership Plan
90 Day Leadership Plan Execution A framework with directs, peers and stakeholders that facilitates: Assessment of current state of xxx business: Sustain success, Turnaround, Realign, Start-up Accelerated learning: Climb the organizational & geographic learning curve quickly through a programmatic approach Alignment of strategy to situation through input: People: Understand the team; perceptions of key stakeholders, identify quick wins and assemble a plan to build and motivate a high performing team based on the current state. Customer & Partner: Understand xxxxxxs’ customer & partner lifecycle, build a plan to deliver the most rewarding engagement and highest satisfaction. Operations: Identify current execution challenges, seek quick improvement wins and what is needed to get to the most efficient and predictable state. Growth Plan: Understand existing strategy, evolve or build a multi-year plan that spans individual contributors and mgmt team to drive xxxxxxs’ xxx growth Execution of plan: Full stakeholder review at 30, 60, 90 days to achieve ongoing insight and alignment Growth Ops Partner Customer People
People Growth People Customer Goal: Ascertain morale, status of the teams/people, past performance, culture and seek quick wins Introduction to the xxxxxxs xxx business. All hands introduction (multiple to accommodate time zones if required) Field tour: 1:1 introduction/Q&A with each team (geographic considerations) & departing leader to seek direct feedback, get the pulse of the team: morale, common themes (positive & negative), sense of urgency, speed of cultural change. Skip level connection meetings to begin building trust and to seek input Implement vitality curve review with mgmt team mapped by performance and tenure Identification of high potentials, performance issues, potential change agents. Identify key hiring issues and review recruitment plan Execute 1:1s with direct reports reviewing past/present performance, career path, motivation, morale, goal setting. Partner with HR and the departing leader to build management team vitality curve (tenure, performance). Review succession plans. Execute external assessment (i.e. Predictive index) to facilitate initial team building and understanding of team dynamics. Identify key relationships in xxxxxxs (product support, partner groups, selling partners). Organize networking 1:1s across organization (90 day timeline) Assessment of existing communications vehicles and culture to facilitate ongoing bi-directional flow Example: Monday morning mail, weekly/quarterly calls, blogs, etc) Review existing rewards (i.e. Compensation, incentives) and recognition (i.e. Celebrating wins, birthdays) systems/culture Engage HR partner for full review: Existing budgets (training, morale), training programs (LMS, etc), performance tools, new hire on-boarding, mentor programs. Current state review of top & bottom (i.e. Identified high potentials, performance issues) and review how xxxxxxs measures work health (management feedback, employee opinion polls) Formalize the high performing xxx plan Implementation of key xxx themes (i.e. Net attractor of talent, great team, cross group) aligned with corporate vision and values Understand team rhythm to people reviews, performance management, high potential management, communications model (1:1s at all levels, skip level pulse 1:1s, portals, email, voicemail, etc.) Identification of changes that will lead to the highest of performing teams while delivering momentum building wins 30/60 90 Growth Ops Partner Customer People
Customer & Partner Growth People Customer Goal: Ascertain how xxxxxxs engages customers and partners at each stage – seek quick wins Understand how xxxxxxs views customer engagement Sales force: Sales stage process, market segmentation, organizational structure, cross team collaboration with the customer (marketing, partner organizations), communication model (i.e. The lifecycle of customer communication such as strategy updates) Marketing: Planning, field engagement model, measurement, communication model, execution Product development & evolution: Customer feedback stages, implementation assessment and modelling Operations: Identify customer triggers (i.e. satisfaction survey, end of contract or utilization flags (T-6 process), other processes). Understand support process (identification, understanding, resolution) Review customer satisfaction strategy Measurement and tracking, competitive positioning, sales force compensation, execution, feedback mechanisms (i.e. askus@) and field plans (individual contributor, manager, director) Understand customer value proposition by segment (i.e. value prop, differentiators, pitch by segment) and expand network Quickly execute a range of customer & partner meetings (dissatisfied, satisfied) to gather first hand feedback. Leverage MS, CommSector and Telco relationships in xxx to quickly expand regional network. Seek key leverage opportunities into community (i.e. GSMA?) Review the partner strategy Internal support and work with partners (reseller, external partners (OEM, provider of service) Sales force operations with partners (i.e. Joint marketing, joint engagement) Formalize strategy to drive the highest levels of satisfaction Implementation of key customer & partner themes (i.e. Achieving NSAT of X, X share against key competitors) Review/implement operational rhythm to review customer & partner satisfaction based on key triggers Examples: contract, survey, interaction) Customer & partner plan: Leverage outputs of first 60 days to evolve the customer strategy and clearly communicate across the business 30/60 90 Growth Ops Partner Customer People
Operations Growth People Customer Goal: Understand xxxxxxs’ business rhythm, levels of automation, flexibility and current state while building momentum. Review current state of the business Achievement against budgets (multi-year), action plans, trends and appropriate operational data. Review sales force planning process Territory growth planning, quota setting, market segmentation, goal setting Review current operational reporting model and metrics: What metrics does xxxxxxs use to measure success? Customer sat, product reporting, revenue, margin, share, scorecard implementation. Understand budgeting model (Regional P/L, quarterly operational budgets, etc.) and flexibility Understand operational rhythm: Forecasting and metrics review (daily-weekly-monthly – by level?) Sales force business and growth plans review rhythm Review sales force support infrastructure Sales tools & strategy, what is the plan? Review operational integration cross group: Orchestration with finance, HR, products, marketing and selling partners (i.e. Enterprise), rhythm of review Formalize plan to deliver operational excellence considering current state Highly dependant on xxx existing state. Implementation of operational rhythm and structure which provides a single view of business state while maximizing field customer time. 30/60 90 Growth Ops Partner Customer People
Growth plan Growth People Customer Goal: Understand xxxxxxs’ existing growth strategy, stakeholder/matrix strategies while identifying quick wins Review existing strategy and growth (plans at all levels Territory plans, manager growth plans, director growth plans, organizations growth plan) What are the key changes to differentiate and beat market? Review rhythms for planning and strategy Budget setting, market assessment phases, capital planning. Review key stakeholder strategies Marketing, partner sales organizations, product and input on existing business strategy Review key external inputs and market opportunity Assessments, market reviews, industry data by region/country Identify mechanism for team input into evolving strategy Vision setting exercises, central input, virtual teams, leverage high potentials) Clear timeline to building a multi-year xxx plan that supports and enhances the global plan Support or build a process to formulate a plan that scales from individual contributors, line management to cross organization. Identify best way to articulate vision – strategy plan; achieve stakeholder and team support – input – acceptance. Identify best vehicle to track and communicate plan 30/60 90 Growth Ops Partner Customer People
Personal Integration Plan Goal: Quickly integrate into the xxxxxxs corporate culture and build local knowledge/network Quick ramp through structured integration into the business (90 day plan) Active field knowledge gathering (Skip levels, 1:1s) Regular business, strategy reviews with key stakeholders Personal development review and coaching Leverage industry and regional network to integrate Leverage xxxxxxx network (Singapore, China, HK, etc) and Telco network Learning plan Seek stakeholder input to quickly build a structured learning plan that facilitates integration Local cultural mentorship (identified) xxxx xxxx Executive Program Strategic use of executive coach (Peer review at 120 days)
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