Session 4 Responding to an Emergency
Objectives At the end of this session, you will: Be familiar with the RC/HC Handbook and the Emergency Checklist Be able to identify the main steps to take when responding to an emergency Be able to identify what support exists and how to access it
Handbook for RCs and HCs on Emergency Preparedness and Response Key actions to prepare for and respond to emergencies What is your role When and how Remember! Which tools, service and mechanism to use Good to know Where to go for more information
Case Study Identify (i) Main emergency response steps during first 24 hours first week (ii) Main tools and services to use
Actions to take within 24 hours 0. Account for your staff A. Alert and preliminary scenario Alert OCHA Contact the Government Assess if an international response is warranted Tools and services: - Global Disaster and Alert Coordination System (GDACS) - Reliefweb
B. Leading Capacity Assessment Review the Inter-Agency Contingency Plan Re-assess the capacity of your office Tools and services: - OCHA surge capacity - UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) team
C. Establish Coordination Mechanisms Convene a Humanitarian Country Team Use existing coordination structures and mechanisms Include national authorities Establish clusters
D. Needs Assessment Use preliminary scenario to inform initial response decisions Act on the best information available
E. Operational Response Coordinate response activities through regular meetings with the HCT and Cluster Leads Ensure the release of at least one situation report Establish appropriate contact with domestic and foreign military forces in-country
E. Operational Response Tools and services: - International Humanitarian Partnership (IHP) - Humanitarian Information Centre (HIC) - Foreign Military and Civil Defence Assets (MCDA)
Additional tools and services - On-site Operation Coordination Centres (OSOCC) - Virtual On-site Operation Coordination Centres (V-OSOCC) - Urban Search-and-Rescue (USAR) teams - OCHA stockpile - Sphere Minimum Standard in Disaster Response E. Operational Response
F. Resource Mobilization Ascertain donor intentions Trigger humanitarian funding mechanisms
F. Resource Mobilization Appeal mechanisms: - Flash Appeal: for acute needs for up to six months Funding instruments: - Emergency Cash Grants - CERF loan element - CERF rapid response window - CERF underfunded emergencies window
G. Media Relations Establish an emergency public information team to develop a crisis communications plan Agree on who speaks to the media Hold a press conference, if possible jointly with the national authorities Issue a press release / official statement
H. Safety & Security Assess the impact of the disaster on the security situation Activate any related security contingency plans Convene a UN SMT Assess appropriate or reinforce existing means of collaboration on security matters with non- UN actors
Actions to take within the first week A.Capacity Assessment Regularly review capacity in your office Request additional human resources from OCHA if necessary
B. Coordination Mechanisms If an UNDAC team is deployed, organise meetings with the Government and the HCT to Review coordination mechanisms and structures Agree on appropriate UNDAC support to the humanitarian response operation.
B. Coordination Mechanisms Inform the Government and partners of cluster coordination arrangements Regularly review coordination structures and modify if necessary Establish an early recovery network and develop an Early Recovery Strategic Framework
C. Needs Assessment Lead the HCT and Cluster Leads in conducting a joint multi-sectoral initial rapid assessment Ensure timely reporting of assessment results to feed into the draft Flash Appeal Within two weeks: lead a multi-cluster rapid needs assessment
D. Response Plan Develop a strategic humanitarian response plan In consultation with the HCT and national authorities Based on the Inter-Agency Contingency Plan Including early recovery Including a protection strategy
E. Operational Response Regularly meet with the HCT to coordinate response activities Liaise with domestic and foreign military forces in- country Assign an information management focal point If necessary, request OCHA to set up a Humanitarian Information Centre
E. Operational Response Tools and services: - Humanitarian Information Centre (HIC) Additional tools and services - Partnerships with private sector (by OCHA) - Who does What Where (3W database)
F. Resource Mobilization Liaise with donors and regularly chair donor briefings Lead the Humanitarian Country Team in producing a draft Flash Appeal Approve the final draft of the Flash Appeal and send it to OCHA HQ
F. Resource Mobilization If funding is likely to be inadequate for life-saving activities Inform the ERC of the need for a CERF Rapid Response Grant Assign a CERF Focal Point within your office Lead the Humanitarian Country Team in determining funding priorities Review and approve projects for CERF funding
G. Access Negotiate with all parties, including non-state actors, for access for humanitarian staff and goods
H. Media Relations Regularly brief the media and hold press conferences Ensure regular release of Situation Reports
I. Safety & Security In cooperation with UNDSS CSA: Update security risk assessments Review Security Phases and evacuate/relocate UN personnel and dependants if required Liaise with appropriate Government institutions, Police, Ministry of Defense
I. Safety & Security In cooperation with UNDSS CSA: Establish contact with the command of all parties to the conflict Review the need for more security officers and request surge capacity from DSS if needed Ensure the safety and security of UN staff Reassess means of collaboration on security matters with non-UN actors
Remember The response must be needs-based, quick, and effective Don’t hesitate to ask for help All necessary information can be found in the Handbook