Optimum Design in Rural Roads Introduction
Optimum Design in Rural Roads ….1 Introduction to topic: What is intended to be discussed? Optimum and/or Appropriate?
Optimum Design in Rural Roads ….2 Format for discussion: Two parts: - Introduction (current) - Theory and Practice of Optimum Design Format:- Presentation - Discussion: Q & A; Comments / Response - Individual Remarks
Optimum Design in Rural Roads ….3 Context of the topic: Professional area of work of the trainees; Relevance of this topic;
Optimum Design in Rural Roads ….4 Examples: -Appropriate design -Inappropriate designs -Others
Optimum Design in Rural Roads ….5 Standard (DoLIDAR Approach Manual) Other appropriate parameters: Steep gradient,> 7% -- gravel Mild gradient < 5% -- provide earthen drain Passing zone: 60 m long every m Stages of upgradation Choice of structure type: masonry, cross drainage, pavement type …. Individual Written Remarks on above Any open comment on the basis of your practical experience
Optimum Design in Rural Roads Theory & Practice of Optimum Design
Optimum Design in Rural Roads…. 1 What is “design”? Response from participants Definition: A construct, mental picture, a dream of what the object would be like. Has shape, size, material content, indicates how to create it.
Optimum Design in Rural Roads…. 2 Examples of inappropriate design RR standards in practice: - narrower width, high gradient, over-size side drains, cross drains (culvert/bridge), radius of curvature, gradient in loop etc. Laying hume pipes Stone soling/Dry wall/Gabion wall
Optimum Design in Rural Roads…. 3 What is “optimum’ or “appropriate”? Judging is difficult …. Factors….. Define. Economy Choice of Technology Standards Social Construction etc.
Optimum Design in Rural Roads…. 4 Rural Road Standards: an example Discussion on Individual Responses
Optimum Design in Rural Roads…. 5 Individual Remarks: On any ideas discussed under Optimum Design Did you benefit, How? How will you make use of the ideas discussed, example?
Environment Assessment of Rural Road Construction and Maintenance
2. Environmental Protection Act, 1997 and its Regulation
“Initial Environmental Examination”
Environmental Impact Assessment
Means a report on detailed study and evaluation to be prepared to ascertain as to whether, in implementing a proposal, the proposal does have significant adverse impacts on the environment or not, whether such impacts could be avoided or mitigated by any means or not.
5. To Submit Proposal for Approval
18. Punishment
Typical Design Drawings Typical Road Sections, Plan & Profile of Roads -
Typical Design Drawings Typical Road Sections, Plan & Profile of Roads - Typical Road Sections - Plan & Profile of Roads Pipe Culverts - Pipe Culvert at Tarai - Pipe Culvert at Hill - Pipe Culvert for Irrigation Purpose
Typical Design Drawings Typical Road Sections, Plan & Profile of Roads - Typical Road Sections - Plan & Profile of Roads Pipe Culverts - Pipe Culvert at Tarai - Pipe Culvert at Hill - Pipe Culvert for Irrigation Purpose
Continued…. Causeways - Dry Stone Causeway - Concrete Causeway - Vented Causeways Slab Culvert Side Drains - Earthen/Dry RRM/RRM in CSM Sub-Surface Drain
Rural Transport Planning General Approach – Central/Local Rural Road Planning & Project Preparation Socio-economic & Technical Consideration Environmental &Social Consideration Prepare DTMP/update
Rural Roads Planning 1.Prepare/Update DTMP 2.Prepare Road Sector Program 3.Prepare Sub-project Proposal 4.Review/Appraisal of the Proposal 5.Detailed Project Preparation
Alignment Selection for Rural Roads 1.Low cost 2.Geometric Standards 3.Safety of the Road 4.Safety of the locality 5.Environmentally sound 6.Aesthetics and harmony
Selection of General Route & Surveying 1.Reconnaissance Survey 2.Preliminary Survey 3.Determination of Centre Line 4.Final Location Survey
Alignment Selection for Rural Roads 1.Low cost 2.Geometric Standards 3.Safety of the Road 4.Safety of the locality 5.Environmentally sound 6.Aesthetics and harmony
Water management in Rural Roads ….. 4 Discussion on some specific issue: Planning, alignment location and design: local water characteristics; obstruction to natural drainage lines; facing of the slope; local consideration for parameters and specification in design; vegetation; Type of drainage structure: purpose and economy; transparencies on scour check, vented causeway or drift Size of drainage structure: run-off formula; Maintenance: local water users