SPC Faculty Publications Prepared by the SPC Office of Faculty Research and Sponsored Programs
The study In 2007 a study addressing faculty scholarship was conducted. All full-time teaching faculty were probed.
The purpose To ascertain what kinds of things the faculty have been doing in the last five years. To reveal any trends in faculty scholarship. Is scholarship increasing? Decreasing? Staying the same? Collect data that might be helpful for various reports (Middle States, etc).
The process A letter requesting information on scholarly activities was sent to all full-time faculty in November, The letter requested that scholarly activities be classified into categories. Information was requested by February 1, After February 1, reminder s and telephone calls were made. Collected data are now being analyzed.
Categories Peer-reviewed journal articles Books Book chapters Edited books Grants Published peer-reviewed abstracts Other publications- These could include, but were not limited to: newspaper articles, book reviews, magazine articles, monographs, essays, and screenplays. Conference presentations Other outcomes- These could include but were not limited to: works of art, art shows, and multimedia productions.
Categories Peer-reviewed journal articles Books Book chapters Edited books Grants Published peer-reviewed abstracts Other publications- These could include, but were not limited to: newspaper articles, book reviews, magazine articles, monographs, essays, and screenplays. Conference presentations Other outcomes- These could include but were not limited to: works of art, art shows, and multimedia productions.
The response A total of 104 full-time faculty responded from a total of 107 members. This resulted in a 97.2% response rate. That’s very good.
Number of faculty per study year Not all current full-time faculty members have been here for the entire five years probed. The number ranges from 76 in 2003 to 104 in Hence, averages for each year are plotted in order to take the number of faculty for each year into account. number of faculty
Total publications Total publications include (but are not limited to) books, book chapters, edited books, peer- reviewed journal articles, book reviews, newspaper articles, magazine articles, and encyclopedia entries. Overall, publications have increased from an average of 0.30 to 1.24 publications per year for each full-time faculty member who responded. Average publications/FT faculty member
Books Books in this analysis do not include test banks, instructor manuals, and dissertations. Book publishing has fluctuated over the last five years. Six books were published in 2007 compared to one in Books/FT faculty member
Book chapters There is an increasing trend regarding book chapters. One book chapter was reported for 2003 compared to nine for Chapters per full-time faculty member
Journal articles (refereed) Refereed (or peer-reviewed) refers to articles that are evaluated for publication by experts in a field in addition to an editor. There is an increasing trend regarding journal articles. Ten articles were reported for 2003 compared to 36 for Articles/FT faculty member
Other publications Other publications include essays, monographs, book reviews, encyclopedia entries, instructor manuals, test banks, newspaper articles (and columns), magazine articles, and others. There is an increasing trend regarding other publications. Eleven items were reported for 2003 compared to 72 for Other publications/FT faculty member
Some other considerations No significant difference among ranks for total publications. No significant correlation between years at SPC and publications in any of the five study years. Hence, increases are largely across the board.
Summary Publishing is on the increase at SPC. This increase is occurring across ranks. Both newer and more senior faculty are contributing to this increase.