“Some of your hurts you have endured, and the sharpest you still have survived, but what torments of grief you endured from evils that never arrived” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Walter Cavert 40% of our worries never happen 30% of our worries concern the past 12% of our worries are needless worries about your health 10% of our worries are insignificant or petty concerns 8% of our worries are really legitimate concerns 40% of our worries never happen 30% of our worries concern the past 12% of our worries are needless worries about your health 10% of our worries are insignificant or petty concerns 8% of our worries are really legitimate concerns
Stewing without Doing Worry worthless Unnatural, have to practice it Makes problem bigger & bigger Creative about worry Lawnmower story Worry worthless Unnatural, have to practice it Makes problem bigger & bigger Creative about worry Lawnmower story
Cannot change the past or future, messes you up right now Can damage health Is senseless, illogical Worry is atheism We are ordered not to worry
The Shelter Not about religion, about relation “Abandoning all varieties of religion, just surrender unto Me, and I shall protect you from all sinful reaction. Do not worry.” Gita 18/66
Be he man or elephant, I do not know
The bewilderment of Maharaj Yudhistir over the sufferings at Kurukshetra are completely negated by the great authority Bhismadev. Bhisma wanted to impress upon Maharaj Yudhisthir that since time immemorial no one, including demigods like Lord Brahma & Lord Shiva, could ascertain the real plan of the Lord. So what can we understand about it? It is useless to even inquire about it. The best policy is to simply abide by the orders of the Lord without argument. Prabhupada Purport SB
“I maintain, O Yudhisthir, this is all within the plan of the Lord. Accepting the inconceivable plan of the Lord, you must follow it. You are now the appointed administrative head, and, My Lord, you should now take care of the subjects who are rendered helpless.” Bhisma SB
The Lord does not give us strength to face tomorrow’s problems today. He gives us strength to face today’s problems today.
1. One day at a Time Today was hard, tomorrow will be harder still, yet God has kindly placed between: sunset sky, sleep’s downy wings, & a dawn that sings.
If Krishna has given you life, will he not also give you food & drink? If He gave the greater thing, will He not also give the lesser? If He gave you the body, will He not also give clothes? If a father gives basketball court, will he not give basketball?
Nityo nitayanam cetanas cetanam One supplies all needs to the many If he supplies animals will He not supply humans Mom feeds the cats, will she not also feed the kids..if father takes care of family car, will he not take care of his kids?
Said the robin to the sparrow, "I should really like to know Why these anxious human beings rush about and worry so." Said the sparrow to the robin, "Friend, I think that it must be That they have no Heavenly Father, such as cares for you and me.” Elizabeth Cheney
2. Replace with Something Better “Though the embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagement by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness.” Gita 2/59
Worship or Worry?
Unload your Worries 5.7 years longer life Worry destroys your system Worry is to play God Resign as God Let God be God Almighty Bruce 5.7 years longer life Worry destroys your system Worry is to play God Resign as God Let God be God Almighty Bruce
Details Snowflake, thumbprint, voiceprint Can handle it all Dinesh would call on Sunday nights No problem too big for Krishna’s power or too small for His concern “Buy a ticket” (lottery) Snowflake, thumbprint, voiceprint Can handle it all Dinesh would call on Sunday nights No problem too big for Krishna’s power or too small for His concern “Buy a ticket” (lottery)
3. Gratitude Physically good to be grateful Healthiest human emotion, animals Ungrateful ‘when and then” Without thanksgiving, bird without wings In all things give thanks Opening day of the temple. Built the temple by “thank you” Physically good to be grateful Healthiest human emotion, animals Ungrateful ‘when and then” Without thanksgiving, bird without wings In all things give thanks Opening day of the temple. Built the temple by “thank you”
4. Change Your Patterns of Thinking & Eating Food is fuel, eating discriminately Read trash books, movies Noble, true, right, pure, lovely Change the channels on your mind Whatever I think about is what I am becoming 100 trillion thoughts Food is fuel, eating discriminately Read trash books, movies Noble, true, right, pure, lovely Change the channels on your mind Whatever I think about is what I am becoming 100 trillion thoughts
Controlling the Mind “ For one who has conquered the mind, he has attained tranquility. For him the mind is the best of friends, but for one who has failed to control the mind, it will be his greatest enemy.” Gita 6/7 “ For one who has conquered the mind, he has attained tranquility. For him the mind is the best of friends, but for one who has failed to control the mind, it will be his greatest enemy.” Gita 6/7
“Long did I toil & knew no earthly rest, Far did I roam & found no certain home: At last I sought them in His sheltering breast Who opens his arms & bids the weary come: With him I found a home, a rest divine, & I since then am his, & he is mine. John Quarles
When worry comes knocking at the door He will protect you with His peace. What's got you worried? finances? the economy? your health? your marriage relationship? your kids? your career? What makes you anxious, what raises the stress level in your life? Krishna’s alternative to dealing with stress is to "Throw the whole weight of your concern on Krishna because He considers you His personal concern." Give it to Him.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare