Data Tracking for Teacher Student Data Linkage (TSDL) DATAG March 15, 2013 Jami Kogler and Marti Mauro
Take baby steps…
Some History Standardized time allotted by subject across district, addition of course codes by SED All elementary buildings implemented specials schedules First year using 15 minute periods for all courses One elementary scheduled specials for seating charts
Role Play Parent Try on another pair of shoes Attendance clerk Building principal Teacher Scheduler Nurse
Scheduling Allocation of minutes per subject Actual time segments Course Master schedule Standards based grading
Actual time segments
Scheduling Course Master schedule
Scheduling Standards based grading
Scheduling Process for maintaining schedules Adding/dropping students in rosters
Scheduling Process for maintaining schedules Primary Teacher of Record (PTR) o When does a Long Term Sub become the Primary Teacher of Record? o Who manages this?
Scheduling Questions?
Attendance May 2011 NYSED announced the collection of instructional time of attendance for grades for ELA and Math
Attendance Must meet State Aid calculations for student attendance (SA-129) Must satisfy Staff/Student/Course data requirements
Challenges: How to meet the needs of both Curriculum & Instruction AND Finance? The need to communicate standard attendance tracking in all buildings Attendance
Elementary Attendance Process for attendance 1. Teachers take attendance in Homeroom 2. Attendance clerk listens to phone messages and enters sick calls 3. Attendance clerk fills down attendance and keeps track of the comings & goings
Elementary Attendance Examples: 1. A student comes in late to school because of a doctor’s appointment: 2. A student leaves in the middle of the day to go to a doctor’s appointment and then returns: 3. A student leaves early for the day:
Activity Attendance Attendance Code Event Double Scheduled Nurse Music lessons Counselors Field Trip Pep rally / assembly Early dismissal Tardy Comings / goings
NYS Data Collection Data templates for the Teacher Student Data Linkage are : a. Staff Snapshot b. Course Template c. Staff Student Course Template
MATCH Data Extracts with their corresponding Templates Go Fish NYS Data Collection
Staff Snapshot Originally from SIS – May 2011 As of February HR System
NYS Data Collection Staff Snapshot Preparation Required 1. Determine roles with HR who is maintaining the data? who is submitting the data? who is verifying the data?
2. Ascertain what Local ID is for staff Employee number Teach ID Other NYS Data Collection Staff Snapshot Preparation Required
3. Identify which fields are being pulled and establish a process for maintaining those fields NYS Data Collection Staff Snapshot Preparation Required
Course Template SIS Course Catalog Courses with state codes Aligns state codes with local course codes NYS Data Collection
Course Template Preparation Required Work with building scheduler & administrator to determine course codes NYS Data Collection
Staff Student Course Template From SIS Pulls all student course sections with teacher NYS Data Collection
Staff Student Course Template Preparation Required 1. Maintain primary teacher of record 2. Maintain student drops / adds to rosters 3. Maintain use of attendance codes NYS Data Collection
Process Pull the State extracts in SIS & HR systems NYS Data Collection Early October is usually the 1 st data collection for the school year - BEDS day
At least once per month-often once a week Enrollment activity Corrections to the data Assessment time Roster Review time Process NYS Data Collection
The SSC data must be pulled for January Regents 1/22/13 ELA 3-8 4/16/13 Math 3-8 4/24/13 Science 4 & 85/22/13 June Regents 6/11/13 End of Year6/30/13 NYS Data Collection
Pull the Staff Snapshot from the Human Resource system NYS Data Collection
NOTE to self: Check the extracts! Software update New template Modification to either one
NYS Data Collection Process Upload the data into Level 0 – entry point to submit data to the state Each template has multiple error checks Be sure to clean any errors in the data source
Process Send the errors to the originator to enter corrections in the SIS for future data pulls. NYS Data Collection
Submit the data to Level 1 – this is our Western NY Data Center Questions? Process NYS Data Collection
Verification Review the TSDL reports in L2RPT to prepare for the Teacher’s Roster Review Process. Download the teacher PIN letters and distribute to the teachers to create their account and view their rosters. End of Year Verification – Teachers check their rosters at the end of the year for accuracy Superintendent sign off for teachers and principals verification Timeline Schedule
Certify that it’s Verified! It’s a Work In Progress Jami Kogler Computer Applications Specialist Marti Mauro Computer Project Coordinator