HORIZON 2020 The new programme for Research and Innovation UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA Research Service May 2014
What is Horizon 2020? It is the new European programme for Research and Innovation; It has a budget of M€ and it will be ongoing from 2014 to 2020; It is oriented to solve challenges; Biannual work programme; It foresees a high number of collaborations with SMEs; It is organised in 3 pillars: Research ServiceMay 2014
Excellent Science Frontier research (European Research Council) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Skills and career development (Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions) Research infrastructures Creating Industrial Leadership and Competitive Frameworks Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEIT) Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs Tackling Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security and the bio-based economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Supply of raw materials Resource efficiency and climate action Inclusive, innovative and secure societies Research ServiceMay 2014
EXCELLENT SCIENCE Pillar I Research ServiceMay 2014
Excellent science Calls open in 2014: European Research Council (4 calls) million € Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (6 calls) 800 million € Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) (4 calls) 200 million € European Research Infrastructures (including e-Infrastructures) (4 calls) 277 million € Research ServiceMay 2014
European Research Council The European Research Council supports research in the knowledge frontier, as well as innovative ideas in new scientific fields; The ERC wants to encourage competitive non-oriented research in all fields, with the only premise of scientific excellence; ERC principles: 1 principal investigator, 1 institution, 1 project & 1 selection criterion: scientific excellence; There are no consortia, networks nor co-financing; Projects from all areas are funded; Bottom-up approach; The principal investigator can be of any nationality, age and find herself in any stage of her scientific career. Work programme: Research ServiceMay 2014
ERC: funding schemes Advanced Grants For established researchers pursuing high-risk, ground-breaking projects. Features: >12 y. of experience since completion of PhD and a track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years. Funding up to 2,5 million Duration up to 5 years; Call closed (deadline 21/10/2014). Advanced Grants For established researchers pursuing high-risk, ground-breaking projects. Features: >12 y. of experience since completion of PhD and a track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years. Funding up to 2,5 million Duration up to 5 years; Call closed (deadline 21/10/2014). Starting Grants For researchers with potential to become independent leaders in their field. Features: 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD; Funding up to 1,5 million; Duration up to 5 years; Call closed (deadline 25/3/2014). Starting Grants For researchers with potential to become independent leaders in their field. Features: 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD; Funding up to 1,5 million; Duration up to 5 years; Call closed (deadline 25/3/2014). Consolidator Grants For researchers consoliding their scientific team. Features: 7-12 years of experience since completion of PhD; Funding up to 2 million; Duration up to 5 years; Call open (deadline 20/5/2014). Consolidator Grants For researchers consoliding their scientific team. Features: 7-12 years of experience since completion of PhD; Funding up to 2 million; Duration up to 5 years; Call open (deadline 20/5/2014). Proof of Concept To establish the innovation potential of ideas arising from an ERC project. Features: For researchers with an ongoing ERC, or finished less than 12 m. before publ. call; Funding up to €; Duration up to 18 months; Call open (deadline 1/4/2014 & 1/10/2014). Proof of Concept To establish the innovation potential of ideas arising from an ERC project. Features: For researchers with an ongoing ERC, or finished less than 12 m. before publ. call; Funding up to €; Duration up to 18 months; Call open (deadline 1/4/2014 & 1/10/2014). Research ServiceMay 2014
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions It is the main programme for the professional development of PhDs; The MSCA supports the development of the scientific career and the training of researchers from any discipline, emphasising mobility and the cooperation between companies and academia; It offers funding for PhD students and postdocs in all stages of their scientific career, promoting transnational mobility, intersectorial and scientific discipline transition Bottom-up approach Work programme: Remember the mobility requirement: researchers shall not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date Research ServiceMay 2014 MSCA-IF Workshop on the 26th June!
Innovative Training Networks Objectives: Increase PhD and Master’s students’ excellence; Structure research and predoctoral training Scope: PhD students Expected impact: Increase the potential of the predoctoral researchers providing them with new career and academic perspectives; Achieve cooperation among participant institutions Research ServiceMay 2014
Individual Fellowships Objective: increase the creativity and innovative potential of experienced researchers. Scope: Individual and transnational actions that are awarded to the best researchers or those who are the most promising; Focused on career development, not on experience; Career Restart Panel and Reintegration Panel. Expected impact: extracting the full potential from researchers and achieve a significant leap in their careers, both in the academic and non- academic sectors. Research ServiceMay 2014
SOCIAL CHALLENGES Pillar III Research ServiceMay 2014
Typology of projects Cooperative projects: Research and Innovation Actions: Actions focused on generating new knowledge and/or ascertain the viability of new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution; They can include basic and applied research, technological development and integration, test and validation of prototypes. Innovation Actions Support for market-oriented innovation; Including the creation of prototypes, tests, demonstrations, validation of products at large scale and commercial application. Research ServiceMay 2014
Social Challenges Social Challenge I: Health, demographic change and wellbeing; Social Challenge II: Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy; Social Challenge III: Secure, clean and efficient energy; Social Challenge IV: Smart, green and integrated transport; Social Challenge V: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials; Social Challenge VI: Europe in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies; Social Challenge VII: Secure societies - protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens. Research ServiceMay 2014
Social Challenge I Biannual work programme: 2014 – 2015 Understanding health, ageing and disease: PHC : Systems medicine PHC : Understanding common mechanisms of diseases and their relevance in co-morbidities Effective health promotion, disease prevention, preparedness and screening: PHC : Health promotion and disease prevention: improved inter- sector co-operation for environment and health based interventions PHC : Vaccine development for poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases: HIV/AIDS (1 stage) Improving diagnosis: PHC : Development of new diagnostic tools and technologies: in vivo medical imaging technologies PHC & 2015: Clinical validation of biomarkers &/or diagnostic medical devices Research ServiceMay 2014
Social Challenge I Innovative treatments and technologies: PHC : New therapies for rare diseases PHC /15: Clinical research on regenerative medicine (1 stage) PHC : Tools and technologies for advanced therapies PHC : Establishing effectiveness of health care interventions in the paediatric population Advancing active and healthy ageing: PHC : Advancing active and healthy ageing with ICT: early risk detection and intervention (1 stage) PHC : Promoting mental wellbeing in the ageing population Research ServiceMay 2014
Social Challenge I Integrated, sustainable, citizen-centred care PHC : Piloting personalised medicine in health and care systems PHC : Advanced ICT systems and services for Integrated Care (1 stage) PHC : Self-management of health and disease and patient empowerment supported by ICT (1 stage) PHC : Self-management of health and disease and decision support systems based on predictive computer modelling used by the patient him/herself (1 stage) PHC : Public procurement of Innovative eHealth services (1 stage) Improving health information, data exploitation and providing an evidence base for health policies and regulation PHC : Digital representation of health data to improve disease diagnosis and treatment (1 stage) PHC : New approaches to improve predictive human safety testing Research ServiceMay 2014
Social Challenge I Deadlines: 1 stage: 21/4/15 2 stages: 14/10/14 & 25/2/15 Research ServiceMay 2014
Social Challenge VI Biannual work programme: 2014 – 2015 Overcoming the crisis: new ideas, strategies and governance structures for Europe: EURO : ERA-NET on Smart Urban Futures (07/01/2015) EURO : Meeting new societal needs by using emerging technologies in the public sector (21/04/2015) The young generation in an innovative, inclusive and sustainable Europe: YOUNG : The young as a driver of social change (07/01/2015) YOUNG : Lifelong learning for young adults: better policies for growth and inclusion in Europe (07/01/2015) New forms of innovation. INSO : ICT-enabled open government (21/04/2015) INSO : Innovative schemes for open innovation and science 2.0 (31/03/2015) INSO : Social innovation Community (31/03/2015) Research ServiceMay 2014
Social Challenge VI Reflective societies: cultural heritage and European identities: REFLECTIVE : Emergence and transmission of European cultural heritage and Europeanisation (07/01/2015) REFLECTIVE : European cohesion, regional and urban policies and the perceptions of Europe (07/01/2015) REFLECTIVE : Cultural opposition in the former socialist countries (07/01/2015) REFLECTIVE : The cultural heritage of war in contemporary Europe (07/01/2015) REFLECTIVE : Innovation ecosystems of digital cultural assets (21/04/2015) REFLECTIVE : Advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets (30/09/2014) REFLECTIVE : Communication and dissemination platform (07/01/2015) Research ServiceMay 2014
Social Challenge VI Europe as a global actor: INT : Enhancing and focusing research and innovation cooperation with Australia, USA, Brazil, South Africa, Ukraine INT : Encouraging the research and innovation cooperation between EU and Southern Mediterranean Neighbourhood, Eastern Partnership INT : Europe's contribution to a value-based global order and its contestants INT : The EU’s contribution to global development: in search of policy coherence INT : Rethinking the EU crisis response mechanism in light of recent conflicts INT : Re-invigorating the partnership between the two shores of the Mediterranean INT : Towards a new geopolitical order in the South and East Mediterranean region INT : The European Union and the Eastern Partnership INT : The EU, Turkey and its wider neighbourhood INT : The EU and integration challenges in the Balkans INT : European cultural and science diplomacy: exploiting the potential of culture and science in the EU’s external relations INT : The cultural, scientific and social dimension of EU-LAC relations DEADLINE: 07/01/2015 Research ServiceMay 2014
The importance of Networking What are your colleagues up to? Can you collaborate with them? If this is your first European project consider being a partner; There are no small roles; Once you have started, it will be easier to participate in more projects; Sell your expertise; Either as a partner or as a coordinator, the Research Service will help you. Research ServiceMay 2014
Conditions for the participation Oriented research; Formation of a consortium with at least 3 independent institutions established in different EU member or associated countries; Possibility of including 3rd countries only if they provide indispensable added value. If their participation is essential they will receive funding; if it is not, they will not receive any funding. Bear in mind that each call might have specific requirements: Indispensable (mandatory participation) countries; Number of participants; Participation of certain entities (trade unions, NGOs, hospitals...). Present the full proposal within the deadline. Research ServiceMay 2014 Research Service: information on calls, templates
Evaluation By independent experts; Possibility of 2-stage evaluations. Self evaluation forms can guide your writing; Check with colleagues; Check with the Research Service. Research ServiceMay 2014 You can become an evaluator and get first hand experience!
Three criteria: Scientific excellence: objectives and approach; Impact: Communication of the project; Exploitation of results; OPEN ACCESS Integration of new knowledge. Evaluation Research ServiceMay 2014 Importance of European approach Implementation: Work plan; Experience of participants; Management structures.
UPF RESEARCH SERVICE Research ServiceMay 2014 Thank you for your attention WE ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL!