Determining CLIMASP Competencies Jerash University Development of Interdisciplinary Program on Climate Change and Sustainability Policy- CLIMASP Development of Interdisciplinary Program on Climate Change and Sustainability Policy- CLIMASP 1
2 A competency is... A competency is a combination of knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviors which, when acquired, allows individuals to perform a task or function at a specifically defined level of proficiency. A competency is... A functionally linked complex of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable successful task performance and problem solving.
3 In determining CLIMASP competencies, our mission is to use innovative educational approaches to; 1. Help students understand, address, mitigate, and adapt to the impacts of climate change. 2.Encourage the changes in attitudes and behaviors needed to put our world on a more sustainable development path, and 3.Build a new generation of climate change-aware citizens.
4 Key action areas; 1.Provision of guidance and resources to mainstream climate change into curricula. 2.Preparation of country-based reviews and case studies. 3.Facilitating regional and inter-regional dialogue on climate change education. Expected outcomes; Climate change education for sustainable development will be integrated into curriculum frameworks.
5 Promoting lasting change toward sustainability through education requires that; 1.Teachers’ attitudes, motivation and skills contribute fully to the effort. 2.Teachers understand the implications of such change. 3.Recognize the need for change. 4.Have the competence and confidence to introduce it into their classroom teaching. Role of teachers and other educational personnel;
6 Core Competencies; The following sets of knowledge, experience, and skills encompass the most comprehensive set of competencies to be addressed in CLIMASP; 1.Foundational knowledge and skills include climate science literacy and environmental literacy. 2.Knowledge and experience in strategic planning, decision-making and risk management. 3.Strategic execution competencies such as helping to mitigate risk and engaging stakeholders.
7 Science Literacy; 1.Possess an understanding of climate change with a sound basis in climate science. 2.Engage others in obtaining credible information on climate-related opportunities and risks related. 3.Apply systems thinking to identify opportunities and risks and to address potential challenges posed by climate disruption. Environmental and Economic Literacy; 1.Identify the impact of climate change on the availability of natural resources of strategic importance. 2.Maintain up-to-date knowledge of current trends seen in the impacts of climate change. 3.Identify adaptation strategies for ecosystem impacts resulting from climate change.
8 Strategic Planning; 1.providing the global climate data. 2.Assess the vulnerabilities of climate change impacts. Decision-Making; 1.Ascertain which types of decisions require or warrant the incorporation of climate change considerations. 2.Identify the key people whose participation is essential for the successful implementation of the climate change program. 3.Provide guidance on optimal ways to incorporate climate change considerations into critical decision-making. 4.key stakeholders to catalyze the key decisions relative to mitigating and/or adapting to climate change.
9 Risk Management; 1.Apply the climate change perspective to the risk management programs. 2.Compile necessary data for the relevant climate change considerations to be incorporated into the compliance and enterprise risk management programs. Risk Mitigation and Engaging Stakeholders; 1.Perform economic risk assessments of climate change impacts. 2.Demonstrate to stakeholders the strategy for addressing climate risks through risk mitigation plans and actions. 3.Address the climate-related risks stakeholders through risk mitigation plans and actions. 4.Ensure that risk mitigation plans are articulated and executed.
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