Observation time: 20 minutes Collect Data (Step 1) Record the content the students are engaging in. Record a description of the activities/actions/thinking students are doing with the content. Ask various students questions if you are not able to ascertain their understanding. Targeted Walk-Throughs
Video 3
Group Analysis – Step 1 4 As a small group reconcile what you observed in step 1. Depth of learning (verbs noted) Understanding of content displayed by student Evidence of learning (i.e. Venn Diagram categorizing similarities and differences between two characters)
Group Reconciliation – Step 2 5 Identify if the content being learned is in alignment with the grade/course content level expectations. You can use, but are not limited to the following documents : Vertical Alignment Doc- ELAR/Math (TEA) TEKS by Grade Level or Course (TEA) District Scope and Sequence District Units of Study Performance Based Assessments STAAR/EOC Released Tests
Group Reconciliation- Step 3 6 If alignment with the TEKS is evident the group will work together to generate follow-up questions to utilize during the debrief session with the teacher. If there is a misalignment the group will work together to identify what grade level (if any) the cognitive and content expectations should be in. The group will then work together to generate follow- up questions to utilize during the debrief session with the teacher
Follow-Up Dialogue with Teachers Share the data collected with teacher. Ask teacher to provide more insight to components of the lesson that may not have been observed. Ask teachers to reflect on the cognitive (verb) and content (noun) expectations for their TEKS and compare the data. If you could re-teach this lesson, what might you change? Why?