Megan Mitchell National Children’s Commissioner Friday 7 March 2014 The Right to Participate National Children’s Week Council Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Megan Mitchell National Children’s Commissioner Friday 7 March 2014 The Right to Participate National Children’s Week Council Meeting

National Children’s Commissioner functions 1) Submitting a report to the Minister as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year; 2) promoting discussion and awareness of matters relating to the human rights of children in Australia; 3) undertaking research, or educational or other programs, to promote respect for and the enjoyment and exercise of the human rights of children in Australia; and 4) examining and reporting on existing and proposed Commonwealth laws to ascertain whether they recognise and protect the human rights of children. (Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth))

Face to face workshops Survey Postcards

The right to be heard (Article 12) “States Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child.” Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 12


Survey responses Life would be better for children and young people in Australia if… “They got the chance to be heard more, we are often not allowed to voice our opinions or be who we really are and this is the cause for a lot of problems.”

Survey responses Life would be better for children and young people in Australia if… “We were able to have more of a say in politics. I believe I and many of my class mates have a deep enough understanding of our government that our votes in elections and referendums would be worthwhile and informed. Perhaps young people could begin voting at, say, the age of 13 (first teen year) or even 15?”

Survey responses Life would be better for children and young people in Australia if… “Adults and older people were more open to our ideas and thinking.”

Survey responses Life would be better for children and young people in Australia if… “We were included in a lot more things. Also if we weren't pushed around by bigger people simply just because they're bigger. It is just not fair for us. They only do it because they want more power than they are already given. It would also help if we were given a little bit of power too.”

“I think it’s important that everyone goes to school, gets an education and understands the importance of positive participation in the community. But I know that this doesn’t always happen. Even in a country like Australia…”