APS Teacher Evaluation Module 9 Part B: Summative Ratings
APS Teacher Evaluation Process Overview Lesson Plans Writes SMART Goal Document Log ObservationsMid-YearEvaluation Monitors Lesson Plans WritesCompilesParticipates ApprovesReviewsConductsFacilitates Annual Cycle
Multiple Data Sources Summative ratings are based on multiple data sources. Observation Announced unannounced Documentation Required Artifacts Teacher-Selected Artifacts Other Sources
In the last module we collected evidence on Teacher A through classroom observation. Today we will add to that through evidence – submitted in the document log – collected by the evaluator Observation Data
The document log is an additional source of evidence. Review the documentation log. Note evidence to include for each standard. – Tool: Summary of Evidence Document Log
Evaluators may have data from additional sources (i.e. communications with the teacher, parents, and other interactions with the teacher) This data can also be considered when making summative ratings. Additional Data Sources
What evidence did you collect from the document log? Each group will share out on one standard. Reviewing the Data
8 May Professional Knowledge – Specific Evidence Content knowledge is appropriate for the lesson (Observation and Documentation) Exhibits pedagogical skills relevant to the subject area(s) taught and best practice based on current research (Observation) Bases instruction on goals that reflect high expectations for all students and a clear understanding of the curriculum (Observation)
9 May Professional Knowledge – Specific Evidence (continued) Addresses appropriate curriculum standards and integrates key content elements (Observation and Documentation) Facilitates students’ use of higher-level thinking skills in instruction (Observation) Links present content with past and future learning experiences, other subject areas, and real-world experiences and applications (Observation)
10 May Instructional Planning – Specific Evidence Arrays lesson is aligned to lesson objectives and curriculum (Documentation) Uses a variety of resources for the mathematics lesson to include a storybook and SMARTBoard (Documentation) Builds in important components of lesson - direct instruction, modeling, student practice, student sharing, metacognition (Documentation) Integrates literacy into mathematics instruction (Documentation)
15 May Instructional Planning – Specific Evidence (continued) Arrays lesson is coherent, sequenced, and aligned to curriculum standards (Documentation) Requires deep, critical, and creative thinking and understanding of concepts (Documentation) Ensures relevancy of instructional strategies and practices to content area (Documentation)
12 May Instructional Delivery – Specific Evidence Engages and interests students during the whole group portion of the lesson (Observation) Builds on prior knowledge about columns and rows, but many children were confused (Observation) Uses a variety of instructional strategies and materials to promote learning (Observation) Reinforces learning goals consistently throughout the lesson (Observation) Communicates and presents material clearly and checks for understanding – needs to use that information dynamically (Observation)
13 May Assessment of and for Student Learning Uses Math Arrays Quick Check to assess student learning (Observation and Documentation) Asks questions of students throughout lesson to ascertain understanding – formative assessment (Observation) Periodically has students complete student reflections for teacher’s knowledge and students’ knowledge (Documentation)
14 May Learning Environment – Specific Evidence Actively listens and pays attention to students’ needs and responses (Observation) Creates a warm, attractive, inviting, and supportive classroom environment (Observation) Arranges the classroom materials and resources to facilitate group and individual activities (Observation)
15 May Learning Environment – Specific Evidence (continued) Little inappropriate behavior observed (Observation) Posts and clearly follows expectations for classroom rules, routines, and procedures (Observation and Documentation) Models caring, fairness, respect, and enthusiasm for learning (Observation) Promotes a climate of trust and teamwork within the classroom (Observation)
16 May Professionalism – Specific Evidence Demonstrates professionalism in dress, speech, and manner with students and adult in classroom (Observation) Participates in professional development - “Inquiry- Based Learning” PD (Other data sources) Communicates with parents on a regular basis (Other data sources)
Using the data that you collected today, rate Teacher A for each performance standard and overall. Draw an X on the chart paper around the room to represent that rating that your gave for each performance standard and as an overall rating Making a Summative Rating
Debrief on the Summative Ratings
“Arlington Public Schools will provide every student with highly effective educators that have the necessary tools to positively impact student learning and growth.” APS Teacher Evaluation Vision Since 1999
APS Teacher Evaluation A Process for Student and Teacher Growth