Presented by Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., PhD.
The Law of Success is Service You get back what you give. (Law of Reciprocity) Giving is a privilege Your thoughts are valuable Attention develops concentration Concentration develops Spiritual Power Spiritual Power is the mightiest force in existence
The Law of Success is Service Compensation is the key-note of the Universe. Nature is constantly seeking to strike an equilibrium. Where something is sent out, something must be received. (You get back what you put out)
The Law of Success is Service The forces of life are volatile; they are composed of your thoughts and ideas which are molded into form. You must keep an open mind in order to receive a new opportunity. You have to be interested in the race and not only the goal for it’s in the journey that you truly experience life. Pleasure comes from the pursuit rather than the possession.
The Law of Success is Service When you adjust your consciousness, you will constantly attract all that is necessary to yourself and the more you give the more you will get. GIVE GET
The Law of Success is Service “ The average person is entirely innocent of any deep thinking; he accepts the ideas of others, and repeats them, in very much the same way as a parrot; this is readily seen when we understand the method which is used to form public opinion, and this docile attitude on the part of a large majority who seem perfectly willing to let a few persons do all their thinking for them is what enables a few men in a great many countries to usurp all the avenues of power and hold the millions in subjection.”
The Law of Success is Service Spirit is : The essence of Consciousness The Substance of Mind The Reality of underlying Thought Therefore; Spirit is the Ultimate Fact, the Real Thing or Idea.
The Law of Success is Service Spirituality is the most practical thing in the world Spirit is the Real Thing Spirit creates, moulds, manipulates and fashions matter You are not a body with a Spirit, but a Spirit with a body (You are a Spiritual Being, having a Human experience)
1).The first law of success is service. 2).You can be of the most service by having an open mind, being interested in the race rather than the goal, in the pursuit rather than possession. 3).Selfish thoughts contain the germs of dissolution. 4).Your greatest success will be achieved by recognizing that it is just as essential to give as it is to receive. 5).Financiers frequently meet with great success because they do their own thinking.
6).The great majority remain docile and tools of the few because they let them do their thinking. 7).The effect of concentrating on sorrow and loss is more sorrow and loss. 8).The effect of concentrating upon gain is more gain. 9).This is the only principle that is ever used. 10).Success is an effect not a cause and in order to secure the desired effect, you must first understand its cause.
221. What is the first law of success? Service How may we be of the most service? Have an open mind; be interested in the race rather than the goal, in the pursuit rather than possession What is the result of a selfish thought? It contains the germ of dissolution How will our greatest success be achieved? By a recognition of the fact that it is just as essential to give as it is to receive Why do financiers frequently meet with great success? Because they do their own thinking.
226. Why do the great majority in every country remain the docile and apparently willing tools of the few? Because they let the few do all their thinking for them What is the effect of concentrating upon sorrow and loss? More sorrow and more loss What is the effect of concentrating upon gain? More gain Is this principle used in the business world? It is the only principle which is ever used, or ever can be used; there is no other principle. The fact that it may be used unconsciously does not alter the situation What is the practical application of this principle? The fact that success is an effect, not a cause, and if we wish to secure the effect we must ascertain the cause, or idea or thought by which the effect is created.