BSC Engineering Mechanical From Regional Engineering College Now NITK. Marine Engineering Specialization, Naval College of Engg, Pune Aeronautical Engineering Specialization, AFTC Bangalore. Engine Room Watch Keeping Certificate. Aircraft Competency Certificate from Kunjali II, Mumbai. Quality Management Course from DGQA( DIQA) Bangalore. Quality Management Course. Lead Assessors Course ISO 9001:2000 from QGS Training Institute New Delhi. Lead Assessors Transition Course ISO 9001:2008 from URS Certification Ltd. My Educational & Professional Qualification
Radiography Testing Course( Level 2 ) from Institute of Material Testing & Evaluation Standardization and Codification Course, 01 Week from Directorate of Standardization(MOD) Computer Basic Proficiency Course, 03 Months from INS Tunir Mumbai Diploma in Computer Science from SSI South Campus New Delhi Sales and Service Engineering from Kirloskar Pneumatic Company, Hadapsar Ind. Estate, Pune My Educational & Professional Qualification
Chukar III Operational Training from M/S Northrop America IPC/WHMA – A- 600 course (Certified IPC Specialist) IRCA UK Certified Auditor GTO Course of three months duration at DIPR, New Delhi during mid A prestigious course for selection of Indian Armed Forces officers My Educational & Professional Qualification
To Provide Value Addition in client/employer’s business. To implement new systems and improve existing Processes. To offer solutions for improving quality of products & services. To ensure sustained business growth of client/employer’s business by aggressive marketing/liason. My Priorities
Consultant ISO 9000 QMS I have implemented the requirements of ISO 9000 QMS in close to 1000 government & private organizations as a consultant and as an auditor, covering almost all industrial sectors. Consultant ISO EMS I have implemented the requirements of the international standard in several organizations. Consultant OHSAS I have implemented the requirements of the international standard in several organizations Consultant Aero Space Standards I have worked with an Aircraft Refueller company for a period close to seven years as a Senior Manager QA/QC and have also worked as maintenance engineer on both fixed wing & Rotary wing Aircraft and am aware of the requirements of the international management standard AS My Employability
Correspondence: I have a good command over english language and can independently handle correspondence. I know local languages like Hindi Punjabi etc for better communication with clients. Business Development & Marketing: I possess close to seven years of accomplished experience in marketing of various products like compressors, pneumatic tools, fuelling equipment. I have served leading companies as AGM/Senior manager ie with companies like Kirloskar, GHF, URS Certification Ltd. Admin Officer: I have commanded defence squadron units as an Administrator/Squadron Commander My Employability
Accreditation Manager :I am fully conversant with the requirements of ISO Aviation Consultant: As I have worked as a maintenance engineer on both fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft I can help clients to ascertain flying worthiness of Aircraft & deep defect diagnosis. Support Faculty: I can assist smooth conduct of class room training ie ISO 9001:2008 QMS, ISO 14001:2004 EMS etc as a support faculty. My Employability
Facility Management: As a commander & as a senior naval officer, I have independently handled several large units. HRD Manager: I have undergone three months GTO training course in DIPR on selection system for defence officers. My services can be utilized as HRD Manager/ to develop selection system model. Computer Applications : I possess Sound knowledge of MS-Word, MS- PowerPoint, Networking and Internet and have experience in management of web sites. My Employability
Quality Control Engineer :I have served as AGM (QC) M/S Globe Hi- Fabs close to six years and was responsible for Quality Control, Stage Inspections as per QAPs, for manufacture of Filtering Vessels, Aircraft Refuellers, Hydrant Dispensers and Diesel Bowsers etc. Liason Officer:I have served as DDQA(WP) inDGQA (MOD) organization and various other higher formations of indian navy/government of India being an aviation officer and can liase at senior management level of the organizations like DGQA,DGCA, Naval Coast Guard, Indian Armed Forces etc.. Liason Officer:I have implimented the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 QMS in close to one hundred organizations as a QMS Auditor. My Employability
Trainer Counselor Advisor Quality Assurance & Quality Control Effectively demonstrated my capabilities in imparting QMS & EMS training. Managing and handling client relationships. Supervising teams Administration Safety & security Correspondence Expertise
Expertise in Quality Assurance & Quality Control, Facility Management. General Administration Marketing Security Training Administration Expertise
I have Successfully contributed in setting up the following IN facilities: Second Line Aircraft Maintenance facility of Indian Navy. Setting up of a Naval Air Station at Arrakkonam. Rebasing of Helicopter Training Squadron Successfully ensured accident free flying of Military Aircraft. Awarded fellowship in Quality Leadership Forum from Jan 2007 to Jan 2010 etc. Ensured incident/accident free flying of military aircraft as an aeronautical engineering officer for a period close to two decades CAREER ACCOMPLISHMENT
My Salary expectation: Rs 100,000/- per month and HRA/ Accommodation (Negotiable) Alok Mohan My Employability