Lobbying How to lobby your legislator with … Bill Hanlon
The Basics Be respectful Be knowledgeable Be personal, appeal to the heart Don’t assume a legislator’s position Say thanks Lobby year round
Targeting Legislators Champions Allies Fence Sitters Mellow Opponents Hard Core Opponents
Champions Inside strategy, have them –Make the case for you –Visible public spokespeople
Allies Inside strategy –Encourage them to speak up in party caucuses or on the floor to support your cause
Fence Sitters Key Targets –Inside persuasion –Outside pressure
Mellow Opponents Clear votes against you, but not inclined to be active. –Lobby enough to give pause without making them angry
Hard Core Opponents Leading the Opposition –Isolate them –Highlight extremes of their positions, rhetoric, and alliances to give other lawmakers pause about joining them
The Message Present a clear message –Cite the bill name or number with a brief description –Know your subject –Don’t overload with issues –Goal; vote, leadership, or informational –Leave a fact sheet or informational material
Inside Lobbying Meetings with lawmakers Providing analysis and information Testifying Negotiating with policymakers and other lobby groups
Outside Lobbying Media Local lobbying by constituents Building broad and diverse coalitions Letter writing Grassroots
Media News conferences Editorial boards Assisting reporters
Telephone Identify yourself by name and address Identify the bill and number Briefly state your position –Speak to staff Thank-you note for time
Letter Writing Do not use form letters Short, concise and polite Identify the issue and include bill number If you live in district, say so Ask for a response Send a thank-you note Include name, address, and phone number Type, check spelling and grammar
Sample Letter Template Indicate training relevant to your teaching: –Introduce yourself –Thank them for funding RPDP program –You have learned content, instructional strategies, and about assessing student work –You are applying that knowledge in your classroom –You are seeing changes (gains) in student understanding –You expect gains in student achievement –You would like to see the RPDPs funded again
Mailing List Governor Guinn Senate Majority Leader Raggio Speaker Perkins State Superintendent Rheault President, State Board of Education Members Legislative Cmte on Education Members Assembly Education Cmte Local superintendent(s)/Board of Trustees Your own legislative contacts
Coordination Inside and outside lobbying activities should be coordinated to assure the make strategic sense in terms of timing, targeting, and message.
Make Connections Legislators Other lobbyists Media Legislative staff Influential citizens
Build a Relationship No permanent friends – No permanent enemies. –Acknowledge past help –Turn down heat on other side
The Staff
Follow-up Be sure to send a thank-you note. –Restate your understanding of any commitments
Some Don’ts Don’t ever lie or mislead Don’t threaten or antagonize Don’t overwhelm Don’t be inflexible Don’t negatively talk about others
Appeal to Reason Common sense more often than not will win out in political discussions. This approach will solidify your position and reinforce your credibility.
Additional Information Be prepared to provide additional documentation