Reading PSSA Arthur Kemp Period 1
Hasty Generalizations Jumping to the easiest,quickest,most obvious conclusion without enough examples to support it.
Propaganda Systematic effort to spread opinions or beliefs.
Red Herring Technique used to mislead audience
Appeal to Fear A fallacy in which a person attempts to create support of his or her idea by increasing fear or prejudice toward a competitor.
False cause Committed when an argument mistakenly attempts to establish a casual connection.
Bandwagon Since it may be popular customers already thinks its good.
Prefixes: Suffixes: Re-again Un-not Mis-bad,badly De-down, away Dis-away Able-can do Ous-full of Ment Ness Full
Additional Terms Snob Appeal: This is a reverse of the Bandwagon Appeal. Its message suggests: "Buying our product will make you better than everyone else-- especially since other people can't afford it." Symbols: A sign, emblem, token, etc. which represents something. As in other literary forms, a symbol in advertising is a quick way to get a message across: The "Jolly Green Giant" suggests the vigor his vegetables give. The flag is a symbol of our country. Eye Appeal: A photograph or drawing shows how good the product looks through color, design, shape, etc. in order to suggest how good it tastes, smells or feels. euphemism: use of a mild or indirect expression instead of one that is harsh or unpleasant. ("passed away" instead of "died," "slender" instead of "bony") parody: a humorous imitation of a serious writing; to make fun of something by copying it. A parody follows the form of the original.
Additional Terms pun: a humorous use of a word where it can have different meanings; a play on words with almost the same meaning. exaggeration: to stretch the truth, make something seem better or worse that it really is. Hyperbole, a exaggerated ridiculous comparison for effect, can also be used. sarcasm: bitter, cutting remarks intended to hurt someone's feelings denotation: the exact, literal dictionary definition of a word. connotation: what is suggested in addition to the literal meaning of a word. Often these are "loaded words" whose connotations evoke emotional responses