Discovering Our Purpose “Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth, each one of you, with his neighbor, for we are members of one another” (Eph. 4:25)
Different words for dishonesty: n Lie--straightforward falsehood n Prevaricate--To evade the truth, dodge n Equivocate--To mislead by confusion n Palter--Fast and loose with the facts n Fib--A “trivial” lie
Why people are dishonest n Lies of vanity to boost image n Lies of flattery to promote self-interest n Lies of convenience to justify self n Lies of fear to avoid consequences n Lies of malignity to hurt others
Dishonesty is serious n Col. 3:9-11 n Mt. 5:37 n Prov. 6:16-19 n Tit. 1:2 n Jn. 8:44
By speaking the truth, we.. n Build trust and confidence in each other n Communicate needs to others n Resolve problems and forgive one another
Why we should speak truth n Because we are members of one another n To show our love for one another n To fulfill our purpose as God’s church