DEX Publication Project OASIS PLCS TC Telecon 29 April 2008 Trine Hansen.


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Presentation transcript:

DEX Publication Project OASIS PLCS TC Telecon 29 April 2008 Trine Hansen

2 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 TOC Status deliverables from Phase I Lessons learned Proposal for activities for Phase II

3 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Status deliverables from Phase I All deliverables, according to revised project plan, are completed (see report from face-to-face meeting in Washington 10 March 08), except for one:  The final report from DNV is not distributed yet

4 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Lessons Learned A stable DEX architecture is established and works Method for development of templates, DEXs and reference data is established Method for harmonization of DEXs is established and works well Supporting infrastructure (DEXLib) for development of DEXs and templates is developed and works well Tool for generating ballot packages (from DEXLib) is developed and works well

5 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Lessons Learned The nature of the Project was sort of “Diversed”  This has been the main challenge and should be avoided in following phases  Having a funded project manager helps a lot, but “simultaneous” funding would be great! DEX architecture  The architecture has been subject for discussions throughout the project, which has been a challenge in the development work Harmonization of DEXs  Harmonization effort and importance of harmonization shall not be underrated. This comment is valid for all levels of harmonization (domain expert level – scoping, PLCS solution, reference data definitions etc.)

6 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Lessons Learned Communicate the “PLCS message” to the world  The development area (DEXLib) is confusing and may mislead newcomers to believe the complexity is higher that reality, and the maturity of the DEXs (those not being out for ballot) may be misinterpreted Core Team consists primarily of Modellers  We don’t think technical perfect DEXs or a “perfect” DEXLib will sell PLCS alone  The Core Team recommend focused “Marketing” activities for the next phase – which involves additional categories of competence The Core Team recommend to establish a “Program management” activity as soon as possible to handle day-to-day administration

7 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Lessons Learned TOG  The project has asked for assistance from TOG once: Issue resolution  There is a need for having a strong TOG in the coming phases (harmonization issues, new development activities etc.)  The interest for PLCS seems to increase, and we might end up in a mess in very short time if we do not have a kind of administration for handling this (new DEXs, new capabilities etc.)  Core Team should be a sub-set of TOG

8 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 DEX Publication Project Phase II The following pages shows activities proposed by Core Team for the next phase of the project 3 priority levels are proposed  Activities inside one priority level is considered as equally important, but some are internally dependent of each other Attached spreadsheet provides more detailed information  The spreadsheet marks out Which activities were postponed from Phase I, Activities/deliverables mandatory for completing the two DEXs that are out for ballot Activities/deliverables recommended completed prior to Implementers Forum activities Activities/deliverables recommended to be completed before starting developing new DEXs

9 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Proposed Goals for Phase II Develop and standardize PLCS DEXs  Complete Task DEX and Aviation M DEX, which includes addressing ballot comments and complete the related capabilities  Have the two DEXs through an Implementers Forum  Develop Product Breakdown & Individual DEX Develop and standardize web services to support PLCS

10 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 DEX Publication Project Phase II Priority 1 activities 1 - Program Management 2 - Establish a funded project for the next phase 3 - Project Management 4 - Address ballot issues  Task DEX templates  Task DEX reference data  Task DEX specification  Aviation Maintenance DEX templates  Aviation Maintenance reference data  Aviation Maintenance DEX specification 5 - DEXLib infrastructure  Access to STEPMOD EXPRESS  Status (maturity status) 9 - Information pages  How to use DEXLib  How to develop DEXs, templates, reference data Activities required for having Task DEX and Aviation Maintenance DEX through ballot

11 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 DEX Publication Project Phase II Priority 2 activities 5 – DEXLib infrastructure  Manage Test data  Class definitions show EXPRESS not OWL  Hyperlinking of diagrams 6 - Management of “PLCS resources”  The server and the web site (access control etc.) 7 - Develop DEX examples  Agree how to represent examples  Examples for Task DEX  Examples for Aviation Maintenance DEX

12 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 DEX Publication Project Phase II Priority 2 activities 8 - Reference data  Technical issues  Review process for development of reference data  Checklist  Define for schema for normalized form for Ref data 9 - Information pages  Extension of ref data with language construct  Review all Info pages and sort out

13 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 DEX Publication Project Phase II Priority 2 activities 10 – Capabilities  For Task DEX  For AM DEX  Complete Review checklist  Review capabilities  Address issues for review 11 – AP239 second edition  Status review on the modules  Compare ALL modules that are at a new form  Redo ARM  Update mapping tables  Update MIM  Rebuild longform  Ensure compatible with AP233  Build ballot package and submit to ISO  Updated integrated resources if necessary

14 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 DEX Publication Project Phase II Priority 2 activities 12 – Update Checklists  Checklists from Phase I 13 – Implementers Forum  Reference should be made to presentation/discussions in face-to-face meeting 10 March – Marketing  Add PLCS AAM to DEXLib  White papers  Success stories  External communication in general 15 – Harmonization with other standards/guidelines  S1000D, 3000L, MIMOSA, OAGIS 9, SCORM etc Develop and standardise PLCS Web services

15 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 DEX Publication Project Phase II Priority 3 activities 17 - Develop new DEXs  Product Breakdown for support  Product as Individual 18 - Capabilities for new DEXs  Capabilities for Product Breakdown & Individual DEX  Capability review checklist (draft version exists)  Review capabilities  Address issues from review activities 19 - Extensions to the Template language  AP239 as UML class diagram  Templates as UML class diagrams  Use of QVT/OCL as mapping language

16 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 The end