I. Disciples, Jn.11:8-16
8: “a man has to live!” (1 Sm.26:10) 15: 16: Thomas would not let Him die alone (Mt.26:35) Lord’s death would test their faith Lazarus’ resurrec- tion prepared them
I. Disciples, 11:8-16 II. Martha & Mary, 11:20-27…
1 If You had been here (21, 32) 22 (27) Jews understood claims (10:30-33) So did Martha / Mary: (27-28) , too good to be true? 3 No blame No angry questions No apostasy LoveFaithHope
I. Disciples, 11:8-16 III. The Jews, 11:36-37, II. Mary & Martha, 11:20-27…
How He loved him (36-37) Love saves sick man from death What does cross say? 45-46, most reluctant converts Josh. 241 K.18Mt.12:30
I. Disciples, 11:8-16 II. Mary & Martha, 11:20-27… IV. Priests & Pharisees 11:47-48 III. The Jews, 11:36-37, 45-46
Religious leaders often mislead (Mt.15:14) Alarm over His power and success Admit His signs, yet reject truth Assume many will believe in Him Adamant (12:9-11, 38-40, 42-43)
I. Disciples, 11:8-16 II. Mary & Martha, 11:20-27… III. The Jews, 11:36-37, V. Caiaphas, 11:49-53 IV. Priests & Pharisees, 11:47-48
Black flag What to do w. Jesus? Caiaphas cannot Respond w. Scripture 2. Refute His miracles 3. Restrain His influence, 12:11, 17-19
Unconscious prophecy (50-52) for Three times: die for the people / nation Caiaphas puts one meaning on his words, God another God overruled his words sins Jesus died to save us from sins Balaam prophesied unwillingly Caiaphas prophesied unconsciously
I. Disciples, 11:8-16 II. Mary & Martha, 11:20-27… III. The Jews, 11:36-37, IV. Priests & Pharisees, 11:47-48 VI. Jesus V. Caiaphas, 11:49-53
1. Close friends suffered & died, 1-3 He is sick... You love him... Dead Hb.5:8 Sickness is no stranger to the Lord’s favorites Gospel is no insurance against pain, suffering, and death
2. Sickness not unto death (4) Lazarus is dead (14) I am glad (15) blessing Anything that builds faith is a blessing For He is not the God of the dead but of the living, for all live to Him – Lk.20:38
3. Lord delayed in answering (6) His love made Him slow Delay would bring greater blessings Jn.9 “I Am the light” Blind man Jn.10 “I Am the door” Lost sheep Jn.11 “I Am the life” Lazarus
4. He is resurrection (25, 26, 43-44) Jesus will raise Lazarus on the last day What prevents an early resurrection? Short command: death immediately surrenders (43-44)
5. Come and see (34) 1:35-42, invites disciples into the light of life 11:35, mourners invite Jesus to see darkness and death Death appears to be in control (44) 1 Co.15