español 8 lunes el 28 de noviembre Correct vocab 3.1 sheet and add weather terms Intro Expresate Q & A pg. 83 –¿Qué te gusta hacer? Tarea/HW: -Study vocab 3.1 sheet (learn 10 words per day!) -Project due Friday! *Vocab Quiz probably Friday or Monday!
Correct Unit 2 Review Packet Mini white board practice (unit 2) español 7 lunes el 28 de noviembre Tarea/HW: -Continue to review Unit 2 & 3 vocabulary and notes. *Unit 2 & 3 Common Assessment on Dec. 2 nd *
español 8 martes el 29 de noviembre Verbal vocab practice 3.1 Exprésate Q & A Notes pg. 85 and Querer pg. 90 Tarea/HW: -Continue to study vocab 3.1 & weather & NOTES -Work on project (due Dec. 2 nd )
español 7 martes el 29 de noviembre Unit 3 verbal vocab review Unit 3 Review Packet Tarea/HW: -Continue to review Unit 2 & 3 vocabulary and notes. *Unit 2 and 3 Common Assessment on Dec. 2nd*
español 8 miércoles el 30 de noviembre Warm-up: Querer Chart with sentences Review Gustar forms (chart) and complete sentences. Begin Tarea/HW assignment. Tarea/HW: Write each VERB 2x each in Spanish and English. (spelling/accents count!) Project Due Friday!
español 7 miércoles el 30 de noviembre Vocabulary practice (verbal) Correct Unit 3 Review Packet Describing Family game Tarea/HW: -Continue to review Unit 2 & 3 vocabulary and notes. *Unit 2 and 3 Common Assessment on Dec. 2nd*
español 8 jueves el 1 de diciembre Quiz tomorrow? Maybe, be ready! Turn in HW (pasen la tarea) Vocab 3.1 review (verbal) Cap. 3 vocab. 1 packet Tarea/HW: - Continue to study vocab 3.1,weather & NOTES -Work on project (due Dec. 2 nd That’s tomorrow!) Quiz tomorrow? Maybe, be ready!
español 7 jueves el 1 de diciembre Test review Unit 4 Vocabulary: El Cuerpo (body) Tarea/HW: -Continue to review Unit 2 & 3 vocabulary and notes. *Unit 2 and 3 Common Assessment Tomorrow* Bring a pencil and a good eraser
español 8 viernes el 2 de diciembre Project Due! Pásenlas (turn them in) Practice Quiz Verbal practice Tarea/HW: -Study, study, study… Real Quiz Monday!
español 7 viernes el 1 de diciembre Common Assessment #1 Unit 4 Vocab practice Tarea/HW: -Study body vocabulary