Forgery, Fraud, and Crimes Against the Public Mr. Whitaker
Forgery 1 st Degree—with the intent to defraud he knowingly makes, alters, or possesses any writing in a fictitious name or in such manner that the writing as made or by authority of one who did not give such authority and utters or delivers such writing 1 st Degree—with the intent to defraud he knowingly makes, alters, or possesses any writing in a fictitious name or in such manner that the writing as made or by authority of one who did not give such authority and utters or delivers such writing 2 nd Degree—the same except the forgery is not delivered or uttered 2 nd Degree—the same except the forgery is not delivered or utteredPUNISHMENT 1 st –Felony 1-10 years in prison 2 nd --Felony 1-5 years in prison
Deposit Account Fraud When a person makes, draws, utters, executes, or delivers an instrument for the payment of money on any bank or other depository in exchange for a present wage, knowing it will not be honored by the draw When a person makes, draws, utters, executes, or delivers an instrument for the payment of money on any bank or other depository in exchange for a present wage, knowing it will not be honored by the drawPUNISHMENT Depends on the amount
Financial Transaction card fraud With the intent to defraud the issuer for the purpose of obtaining money, goods, services, or anything else of value, or other person With the intent to defraud the issuer for the purpose of obtaining money, goods, services, or anything else of value, or other personPUNISHMENTMisdemeanor
Financial Identity Fraud When without the authorization or permission of another person and with the intent unlawfully to appropriate financial resources of that other person to his or her own use When without the authorization or permission of another person and with the intent unlawfully to appropriate financial resources of that other person to his or her own use
Offenses Against the Public
Violation of Oath of Office Public officer who willfully and intentionally violates the terms of his oath as prescribed by law shall be punished 1-5 years in prison Public officer who willfully and intentionally violates the terms of his oath as prescribed by law shall be punished 1-5 years in prison
Obstruction of Officers A person who knowingly and willfully obstructs or hinders any law enforcement officer in the lawful discharge of his officer duties—Misdemeanor A person who knowingly and willfully obstructs or hinders any law enforcement officer in the lawful discharge of his officer duties—Misdemeanor ………….the same except offering or doing violence to the person of that officer is guilty of a felony ………….the same except offering or doing violence to the person of that officer is guilty of a felony
Impersonating an Officer A person who falsely holds himself out as a peace officer with the intent to mislead another into believing that he is actually an officer A person who falsely holds himself out as a peace officer with the intent to mislead another into believing that he is actually an officerPUNISHMENT Felony—1-5 years in prison
Interfering with 911 Calls Any person who verbally or physically obstructs, prevents, or hinders another person with the intent to cause or allow physical harm or injury to another person from making or completing a 911 call or any call for police protection Any person who verbally or physically obstructs, prevents, or hinders another person with the intent to cause or allow physical harm or injury to another person from making or completing a 911 call or any call for police protectionPUNISHMENT Misdemeanor—fine up to $1,000
False Name A person who gives a false name, address, date of birth to a police officer in the lawful discharge of his duties with the intent of misleading the officer A person who gives a false name, address, date of birth to a police officer in the lawful discharge of his duties with the intent of misleading the officerPUNISHMENTMisdemeanor
False Report of a Crime A person who willfully and knowingly gives or causes a false report or a crime to be given to any law enforcement officer or agency A person who willfully and knowingly gives or causes a false report or a crime to be given to any law enforcement officer or agencyPUNISHMENTMisdemeanor
Hindering the Apprehension of a Criminal With intention to hinder apprehension or punishment or a person who he knows or has reasonable grounds to believe has committed a felony or to be an escaped inmate or prisoner With intention to hinder apprehension or punishment or a person who he knows or has reasonable grounds to believe has committed a felony or to be an escaped inmate or prisoner 1. Harbors or conceals 2. Conceals or destroys evidence PUNISHMENT Felony—1-5 years in prison
Activity Find an article or website on Identity theft and give a summary of the article (1 paragraph) Find an article or website on Identity theft and give a summary of the article (1 paragraph) Research and make a graphic page that details the following on financial ID theft Research and make a graphic page that details the following on financial ID theft What is it? What is it? How does your information get stolen? How does your information get stolen? How do criminal use your personal information? How do criminal use your personal information? How can you tell if you are a victim? How can you tell if you are a victim? How do you correct the problem? How do you correct the problem?
Perjury He knowingly and willingly makes a false statement in a judicial preceeding He knowingly and willingly makes a false statement in a judicial preceedingPUNISHMENT Felony—1-10 years fine up to $1,000
Riot Any 2 or more persons who shall do an unlawful act of violence or any other act in a violent and tumultuous manner commit the offense of riot Any 2 or more persons who shall do an unlawful act of violence or any other act in a violent and tumultuous manner commit the offense of riotPUNISHMENTMisdemeanor
Inciting to Riot With the intent to riot does an act or engages in conduct which urges, counsels, or advises to riot With the intent to riot does an act or engages in conduct which urges, counsels, or advises to riotPUNISHMENTMisdemeanor
Affray An affray is the fighting by 2 or more persons in some public place to the disturbance of the public tranquility An affray is the fighting by 2 or more persons in some public place to the disturbance of the public tranquilityPUNISHMENTMisdemeanor
Loitering and Prowling When he is in a place at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding citizens under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity When he is in a place at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding citizens under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity 1. Flight 2. Refuses to ID 3. Conceals himself PUNISHMENTMisdemeanor
Terroristic Threats and Acts When he threatens to commit any crime of violence for the purpose of terrorizing another person When he threatens to commit any crime of violence for the purpose of terrorizing another person ACTS ACTS 1. Burning symbol or cross 2. He shoots or throws an object outside a moving vehicle PUNISHMENT Felony—1-5 years
Disorderly Conduct When such person commits any of the following: When such person commits any of the following: 1. Acts in a violent or tumultuous manner toward a person 2. Acts in a violent or tumultuous manner toward someone’s property 3. Fighting words or abusive language PUNISHMENTMisdemeanor
Harassing Phone Calls A person telephones another person repeatedly, whether or not conversation ensues for the purpose of annoying or harassing another person A person telephones another person repeatedly, whether or not conversation ensues for the purpose of annoying or harassing another personPUNISHMENTMisdemeanor
Public Drunk A person who shall be and appear in an intoxicated state in any public place or within the curtilage of any private residence not his own A person who shall be and appear in an intoxicated state in any public place or within the curtilage of any private residence not his ownPUNISHMENTMisdemeanor
Peeping Tom A person who peeps through the windows or doors, or other like places, on or about the premises of another for the purpose of spying upon or invading the privacy of others A person who peeps through the windows or doors, or other like places, on or about the premises of another for the purpose of spying upon or invading the privacy of othersPUNISHMENTMisdemeanor
Possession of Firearm During the Commission of a Crime Any person who shall have on or within arm’s reach of his own person a firearm or knife during the commission of any crime Any person who shall have on or within arm’s reach of his own person a firearm or knife during the commission of any crime 1. Any crime involving another person 2. Unlawful entry into a house 3. A theft from a building 4. Controlled substance
Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon Possession of a firearm by any convicted felon Possession of a firearm by any convicted felonPUNISHMENT Felony—1-5 years in prison
Class Practicals Working in groups, each group will be evaluated during a crime scenario Working in groups, each group will be evaluated during a crime scenario The groups will have to determine which crimes have occur if any The groups will have to determine which crimes have occur if any