CJS - Chapter 6 What does Walker mean by --- "deterrence has a simple, intuitive appeal"? Punishment “should” work – “common sense” Key problem: Theory vs. Reality
CJS - Chapter 6 What are the basic assumptions of deterrence theory? Perceived threat Rational actor Cost/benefit analysis (conscious behavior)
CJS - Chapter 6 What are: –specific deterrence –general deterrence (theory) –marginal deterrence (research)
CJS - Chapter 6 Is the risk of arrest high? NO Do street criminals accurately understand the risk of arrest? No - they over-estimate the risk!!! But most crimes are impulsive!!
CJS - Chapter 6 What does Walker conclude about the death penalty and deterrence? This is one of my research specialties – research indicates that the DP is not a deterrent. Homicides increase in the wake of executions. “brutalization effect” (more later)
CJS - Chapter 6 How does the issue of delays/appeals affect DP deterrence? Theory of deterrence vs. Reality – most homicides are impulsive
CJS - Chapter 6 Know general points about deterring drunk drivers. Myths and the wedding cake model (a few high-publicity cases mislead) Alternative strategies (proactive approaches)
CJS - Chapter 6 “Alternative strategies” Safer cars Raise the drinking age Target bars - liability Education - designated drivers Alternative strategies for lowering crime and violence – jobs, fewer guns, etc.
CJS - Chapter 6 Does research on burglars/robbers indicate that these are "rational" crimes? NO -- they over-estimate potential gains.... and disregard risks “Losers”!!
CJS - Chapter 6 What has research on deterring domestic violence found? Minneapolis experiments Arrest Separation Mediation Arrest works? Fewer reported incidents!
CJS - Chapter 6 Follow-up studies – doesn’t work! Fewer reported incidents didn’t mean fewer incidents! “Reporting effect”
CJS - Chapter 6 What does W conclude about deterrence? Doesn’t work attempts often “backfire”!
CJS - Chapter 6 Is deterrence (fear of punishment) what stops most people from committing crimes? Is fear of punishment all that stops YOU from committing crimes?? Moral constraints + legal behavior works for most of us! Stereotypes -- “Us” and “Them”
CJS - Chapter 6 Broad process of socialization vs. “Culture of violence” effect
CJS - Chapter 6 Abstract theory and “common sense” about deterrence involve another form of “paleologic” (primitive irrational logic) Sometimes punishment seems to “work” in the short run, but the results are fleeting and the long term effects are often negative. [from spanking to prison to death penalty]
CJS - Chapter 6 BACK TO THE DEATH PENALTY How does the issue of delays/appeals affect DP deterrence? Theory of deterrence vs. Reality – impulsive crimes (arguments, alcohol, handy gun)
CJS - Chapter 6 What is brutalization theory? Violence breeds violence --- Executions cause homicides to increase My Ariz and Calif studies (HOW DONE)
CJS - Chapter 6 Other problems with the DP: Sham trials and mistakes Cost of DP system Discrimination Most homicides are not DP cases