Honor Code “We will not lie, steal or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.”
u Purpose u Four Elements u Procedures Overview
The Honor Code u Intent u To set a minimum standard of conduct u Purpose u To further develop the Honor Code standards into a pattern of behavior to guide you as a cadet and as an officer
Honor Code Elements LYING A statement of untruth meant to mislead or deceive n Evasive Statement n Not disclosing information
Honor Code Elements CHEATING Taking unfair advantage of another Classroom Plagiarism
Honor Code Elements STEALING Depriving someone of his/her property or the use of it
Honor Code Elements TOLERATION Enduring without complaint BURDEN
How Do You Report A Suspected Honor Code Violation? Tell a cadre member! You will remain anonymous…
Continued service as an officer is a privilege that may be terminated... (AFR 36-2, Administrative Discharge Procedures)
u Purpose u Four Elements u Procedures Summary