Warm Up 1.Quickly write down the first 3 brand names you can think of 2.Why are these brands memorable? 3.What slogans from ads do you know?
Types of Advertising Brand: New products/brands Informative: product features Comparative: to competitor’s products
Brand Advertising Jingles and slogans are an effective type of brand advertising Benefits of brands – Quality Higher costs of product due to brand advertising
Informative Ads Product benefits Usually complex or highly technical products – Computers – Cars Will not tell you the downside!
Comparative Ads Convince you to buy their product instead of a competitors Tells you their strengths and competitor’s weaknesses Defensive advertising usually results back from the competitor
Persuasive Ads Designed to appeal to your emotions – Happier – More popular – More successful – More satisfied Cosmetics Not that informative
Benefits & Costs of Advertising $250 billion dollars a year industry You pay for it directly or indirectly Businesses think it will help them You still win – The $ businesses get from advertising is used to bring cost down to you Are Super Bowl ads worth it?!?
Deceptive Ads v. Puffery Deceptive ads are deliberately designed to mislead you (illegal) Puffery is innocent exaggeration (legal)
Puffery or Deception My pen is better! – Puffery or deception? My pen will make your writing more attractive – Puffery or deception? If you use my pen, you will get A’s – Puffery or deception?
TINSTAFL THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE LUNCH Free gift card/gifts – Not free if you are required to buy something else. Deceptive! Use the decision making process to avoid making mistakes!