Brain Overview Most complicated organ Neurons and glial cells Energy Source : Carbohydrates
Neurons 100 billion neurons Information processing and transmittingUse or lose it
Intelligence Development Development peak between 0-5 years old85% of intelligence developed by age 5Repeated positive experiences is critical
Brain Health and Nutrition Energy Supply Structural Components Cognition & Memory Certain Diseases
Energy Supply for Brain Represents only 2% of the body weight 25% of total glucose utilization 20% of total oxygen consumption Does not store any glucose Brain utilizes glucose
Structural Components Structure Determines Function
Brain-Grey Matter major component of the central nervous system consisting of neurons, glial cells and capillaries involved in muscle control, sensory perception. Grey Matter
Brain-Grey Matter DHA is the major part High content of lipids in Grey Matter
Folic acid’s function DNA’s synthesis and repair Performed as co-factors for many biochemical reactions. Multiple Benefits Protect against a number of congenital malformations Reduce the risk of preterm delivery Reduce the risks of infant low birth weight and fetal growth retardation Pregnancy / infancy period
Cognition & Memory Cognition is a group of mental processes Includes attention, memory, learning, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making Age-related cognitive decline is one of the main challenges of mental health
Ginkgo Biloba Extract Improve blood circulation Improve neurotransmission Fight against free radicals
Research update about Ginkgo University of Bordeaux , France, A 20-Year Follow-Up Study in ~3500 participants Cognitive decline was reduced in participants using Ginkgo
Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease Dementia isn't a specific disease Intellectual and social abilities impaired
Risks that you CANNOT change AgeGenetics
Risks that you CAN change Alcohol Cardiovascular condition Blood Pressure Blood LipidsDiabetes
Nutritional Factors Fish OilAntioxidantVitamin D GinkgoVitamin B
Antioxidant DNA , RNA Proteins Lipids Free Radical Damages
DNA /RNA Damage Damage DNA templateProduce “wrong”proteinMislead transcription / translation
Protein/ Lipid Damage Misfolding ProteinDamage Cell Membrane
Vitamin D Linked to certain Neurodegenerative Diseases Affect calcium’s absorption Inadequate Vitamin D Intake
Vitamins Positive effects on memory performance in women B Vitamins Reduce cognitive decay in the elderly Vitamin E