English 100 Tuesday, and Wednesday, Tuesday: On a sheet of paper, write about the following prompt… you will keep this in your notebook: Describe a person who has had a significant impact or influence upon your life. How has he or she affected your life?
English 100 Tuesday, and Wednesday, Wednesday: On a sheet of paper, write about the following prompt… you will keep this in your notebook: Take out your ad: How does this ad appeal to emotions? Explain… If it does not appeal to emotions, how could emotions make it more effective?
English 100 Tuesday, Chapter 2 – “Arguments Based on Emotions: Pathos” 1.Why is it dangerous when we use emotional appeals too casually? 2.Why are emotional appeals more effective for persuading than they are for arguing? 3.How might emotions be used to build bridges?
English 100 Tuesday, What is a claim of fact? 5.What is a claim of value? 6.What is a claim of policy? 7.What is a warrant? 8.What is pathos? 9.What is ethos? 10.What is Logos?
English 100 Tuesday, Arguments Based on Emotions: Pathos Emotional appeals are powerful tools for influencing what people think and believe. We all make decisions – even important ones – based on our feelings. Have you ever felt a “chill down the spine” or felt something in the “pit of the stomach”?
English 100 Tuesday, Arguments Based on Emotions: Pathos “What makes you glance at a magazine ad long enough to notice a product?...In the blink of an eye, ads can appeal to your emotions, intrigue you, and perhaps even seduce you. Look closer, and you might find logical reasons given for buying the product or service. But would you have even gotten there without an emotional tug to pull you into the page?” (38)
English 100 Tuesday, Arguments Based on Emotions: Pathos Arguments based on emotion probably count more when you are persuading than when you are arguing (42). Reason and evidence better convince someone that something is true. When persuading, you want people to take action. The practical differences between being convinced and acting on a conviction can be enormous (42).
English 100 Tuesday, Arguments Based on Emotions: Pathos Look at page 43: How is this image working on an emotional level? Is there a clash of emotions with this image?
English 100 Tuesday, Arguments Based on Emotions: Pathos Using emotions to build bridges: When we connect with the audience, we convince them that we understand their experiences, which builds trust… even more importantly, we can get the audience to identify with our own experiences
English 100 Tuesday, Arguments Based on Emotions: Pathos Using emotions to sustain and argument: You can use emotional appeals to make logical claims stronger or more memorable (46). Danger – too much emotion may offend or mislead
English 100 Tuesday, Arguments Based on Emotions: Pathos When you make an argument, you must determine to what extent emotions should play in your strategy In this way, you must be critically aware of the power of the issue at hand and you must know your audience to such extent that you can predict its emotional reaction to what you say
English 100 Tuesday, Turn to Page 51: In small groups, do Question #1 Large Group Discussion
English 100 Wednesday, Turn to Page 699 in the text: Read “Is Creating a Fake Online Profile a Criminal Act?” Did something happen? What is its nature? What is its quality or cause? What actions should be taken?