Trade descriptions act Lottie Bridge
When did the protection act first start? The Trade Descriptions Act was first introduced to the uk in The Act was brought in to protect consumers when purchasing products and services. The Trade Description Act stipulates numerous different regulations that traders must adhere to when carrying out their activities. In general the Act states that traders must not mislead consumers. For example when a trader is describing a product or service they must be accurate in the description that they make. Therefore they must not be false advertising as this is breaking the protection act law. Here is an example: This is false advertising!
When was the latest trade descriptions act? In 2010 the Trade Descriptions Act was updated to include modern equivalents to terms implemented into the Act in This legislation is managed on a local level and consumers are within their rights to report any company that they feel has broken the regulations. On a local level the Act is monitored and enforced by the local Trading Standards unit, which is usually part of the local authority. Traders that are found to have broken the regulations are likely to face prosecution.
How did trade description act effect the beauty business? It affected the beauty industry a lot as therapist’s try and attract more and more customers everyday by presenting their treatments in the best way possible by using big words that sound appealing to everyone however it’s very important that they don’t false advertise and say things that are not possible. For example saying that having an electrical facial treatment will have you leaving the salon looking 10 years younger clearly isn’t possible however it may result in bits of the face looking younger for a short period of time e.g. it will bring the blood to the surface leaving the face looking more radiant, leaving the client with a healthy glow. This may reduce a few years but certainly not 10.
How non-compliance would effect the business? If they didn’t follow the rules of this protection act you would be breaking the law but also you are putting the business in a bad position, making it look unprofessional. Also the client will have high expectations and by not succeeding them you will get client complaints as well as a loss in clients. The clients would keep getting let down and wouldn’t be getting their money worth in the treatments. This could end up in them suing you. Resulting in the false assumptions not being worth the hassle, its more important to get the information correct and then re-word things to make them sound more appealing.
Evaluate the effect of your act or regulation on beauty related industries? In conclusion to the protection act affecting on the beauty industry, I would say that the trade description act is correct because if you’re giving out false information whether it is indirect or direct you will be breaking the law however by being aware that you cannot do these things you’re preventing yourself from having the risk. Therefore this protecting act is helping business women understand what you can and cannot do when owning your own business.
Bibliography Websites I found helpful: ontent/trade-descriptions-act html