Vocab 4 Vocabulary
abscond to run off and hide (lending money scam)
access approach or admittance to places, persons, things; an increase; to get at, obtain (TSA)
anarchy a lack of government and law; confusion (Libya)
arduous hard to do, requiring much effort (Japanese earthquake / tsunami)
auspicious favorable, fortunate (decoration with good luck)
biased favoring one side unduly, prejudiced (baseball announcers)
daunt to overcome with fear, intimidate; to dishearten, discourage (Haka)
disentangle to free from tangles or complications (I Am My Own Grandpa)
fated determined in advance by destiny or fortune (Cassandra Complex)
hoodwink to mislead by a trick, deceive 4 (pickpockets) 4
inanimate not having life; without energy or spirit (toaster)
incinerate to burn to ashes I (garbage) I
intrepid very brave, fearless, unshakable &feature=related (smoke jumpers) &feature=related
larceny Theft J7pKM2G4 (key cards) J7pKM2G4
pliant bending readily; easily influenced (advertising)
pompous overly self-important in speech and manner; excessively stately or ceremonious (Good Will Hunting)
precipice a very steep cliff; the brink or edge of disaster (Landon Donovan)
rectify to make right, correct (Beyonce, 1:42)
reprieve a temporary relief or delay (v.) to grant a postponement (homeless removal)
revile to attack with bad words, call bad names (reaction to fan comments)