Read My Lips and Slick Willie
Election of 1988: Furloughs and Foreign Policy Mike Dukakis: 112 George Herbert Walker Bush: 426 / 54%
Crime and Punishment Furman Decision: SC rules racial bias in jury imposed capital punishment 1972 State laws rewritten: mandatory sentencing Prisons transformed 1995: More $ on prisons than higher education Crack -> Gang growth - > drive-by-shooting
“A Kinder Gentler Face…” Drug Czar Manuel Noriega: Captured and convicted in US Treaty: USSR-US - Reduce stockpiles by 30% Communism’s Collapse 1991 Don’t embarrass Gorby
Persian Gulf War: 1991 Saddam Crushes Kurds Invades Kuwait Saudis ask for help: US and UN Desert Storm: Bush stopped short…good or bad? 90% approval of Bush
Carville to Bill: Its the Economy Stupid! Recession hits ‘91-2 S & L Crisis: Michael Milkin’s legacy 1000 people convicted of fraud, etc $500 billion clean-up 1992: Bill Clinton and James Carville: “Focus like a laser beam” Stand By Your Man
Comeback Kid: 1992 “The Man from Hope” in New Haven with Hil, 1971 George, Ross and Bill 168/38% 0/19% 370/43%
Opportunities and Responsibilities As Policy 1993: Abortion and Ruth Bader-Ginsburg Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Reduce Spending, Raise Taxes Economy climbs In private life: Slick Willie
Hillary: Whitewater and Health Care Vince Foster Investments HillaryCare
Contract With America Newt Gingrich: Midterms 1995 Budget vetoed Public blames Republicans US Reelects Bill in 1996 But keeps Congress Republican…
Foreign Affairs…Africa, Balkans Somalia Warlords 1993 Blackhawk Down Hotel Rwanda Serbians cleanse Bosnia 1993 Yugo’s Milosevic stopped in Kosovo by NATO 1999
Racial Politics OJ Simpson Trial Million Man March 1995 University of California: Ends Affirmative Action 1997: Little Rock, little changed?
Violence and Youth 1980s: Rambo II and III, Die Hard series MTV: Michael Jackson’s Thriller 1990s Natural Born Killers 1990s Gangsta Rap
Clinton’s Impeachment Paula Jones sues Subpoenas Monica Lewinsky Hillary: “A vast right-wing conspiracy” Lewinsky: I was encouraged to mislead Bill’s legalisms: “I have not had sex with her as I defined it”