By Courtney Norris
The internet is a brilliant device that make amply information available at all times. This same fact can make it a tool of destruction.
Untrustworthy websites exist to mislead people about information. Social media has become a platform for intentionally hurting others feelings and reputations. Cyber communication like chat rooms and Instant Messaging has become a way for predators to contact children.
There are many pieces of work on the internet that are designed to look professional and trustworthy that are in fact untrustworthy sites. ◦ It is important to remember that websites that end,.com, and.hgn are private and commercial information and do not have to be factual. ◦ Websites that end are a better choice.
Cyber bullying is the act of using technology to communicate and bully a person. ◦ Cyber bullying is not exclusively sending mean text or instant messages. ◦ Posting a picture or saying something about a person on social media with the intentions of embarrassing them is also cyber bullying.
If you or someone you know is being cyber bullied it is important to report it! ◦ Unless it is made known to a trusted adult or teacher, nothing can me done to stop it.
The internet has created a realm of instant communication from anyone in the world. This technology brings different cultures and people closer together by being able to instantly chat with strangers or friends in any part of the world at any time.
This can be dangerous when children and teens are sharing sensitive information about themselves to strangers. This includes: ◦ Their address or location ◦ Their age ◦ Inappropriate images of themselves
If students are not educated about the dangers that exist in the internet they may fall victim to them. It is important to teach children and teens the indicators of false information, cyber bulling, and predators on the internet. Once they can identify these things they can begin to understand how to avoid them and what to do if they suspect foul play on the internet.
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