SANITAION AND DISEASE IIIImpact on the third world countries HHHHow poor sanitation leads to deaths PPPPossible solutions
Major diseases and causes Diarrhea Cholera Typhoid Guinea worm disease Poor sanitation Bad sanitation
Diarrhea Close to 5,000 children in developing countries die of diarrhea due to un sanitized water each day.
What is diarrhea frequent and watery bowel movements; can be a symptom of infection or food poisoning or colitis or a gastrointestinal tumor It can result in dehydration, chemical imbalances, and low protein.
Solutions to diarrhea To help prevent diarrhea eat a low fiber but high in protein and calorie diet.
If diarrhea is treated in all countries it will cut the death amount by an unbelievable number.
Cholera Cholera gives people acute diarrhea and unless treated immediately will almost always result in death.
Causes It is caused by ingesting contaminated food and water
Cholera Statistics Cholera occurs in many of the developing countries of Africa, and Asia, where sanitary conditions are less than optimal.
Solutions to Cholera The best way to prevent cholera is to avoid consuming food or water that is contaminated by another infected person.
Typhoid A spread through consuming contaminated food from a person with typhoid.
Common Typhoid Symptoms Fever up to 104 degrees Weakness Stomach pains Head ache Loss of apatite decreased heart rate Constipation
If gone untreated Can result in severe loss of appetite Intestinal bleeding Weight loss Hepatitis Meningitis Bronchitis Arthritis Death
Typhoid Treatment Now in days typhoid is treated with antibiotics
Guinea Worm Disease A parasitic worm infection that occurs mainly in Africa
Causes of Infection Drinking still water containing a tiny water flee that is infected with any even smaller larva of the guinea worm.
Symptoms The worm can grow up to 3 feet in size and will eventually burst out of the skin causing long term suffering and sometimes a crippling affect.
Treatment There is no cure for the disease. The worm must come out on its own, or it can be surgically removed.
Long Story Short… += +=
Produced by: Rhys Hamilton Produced by: Rhys Hamilton Ben Dossa Ben Dossa Miggy Elizaga Miggy Elizaga Gianna Iavarone Gianna Iavarone Bryan Edson Bryan Edson flashdrive provider: Rhys Hamilton flashdrive provider: Rhys Hamilton Musical entertainment (ukulele): Miggy Elizaga Best team spirit: Bryan Edson Most research: Ben Dossa Most Criticism: Gianna Ianarone