Large Intestine Afflictions
2 1. APPENDICITS Inflamed appendix causes severe pain. Very common in children and adolescents. Other symptoms include fever, nausea and frequent urination. If the inflammation progresses too quickly surgery to remove the appendix is needed.
2. DYSENTERY (the bloody flux) Severe intestinal inflammation of the colon that results in severe diarrhea with blood and/or mucus. Accompanied by fever, weakness, cramping, spasms and abdominal pain. Fatal if untreated. Normally caused by bacterial and protozoan infections.
7 4. CONSTIPATION Describes a state in which a person experiences hard feces difficult to expel, leading to painful defection and/or rupturing of blood vessels around the anal sphincter.
8 Roughage moves too slowly, so too much water is removed. The result are very hard, slow-moving feces. Main cause: lack of dietary fiber and dehydration.
9 If feces harden to the point where they don’t move anymore then fecal impaction (when the colon becomes blocked) may occur.
Treatment: digital disimpaction or surgery.
5. DIARRHEA Describes a state in which a person experiences frequent, loose and/or liquid bowel movements. The loss of fluids, nutrients, electrolytes and salts leads to very severe dehydration. Usually the result of a viral, bacterial or protozoan infection.
Osmotic diarrhea: something in the LI draws water from the body into the LI. Secretory diarrhea: Body releases water into the LI when it should be absorbing it. Exudation: presence of blood or pus. A sign of an infection or disorder.
A deadly disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Causes death through extreme dehydration. Contracted by eating or drinking food contaminated with raw human sewage. Cholera
18 Outbreaks frequent in places where sanitary conditions are deficient or no sewage treatment is available. Elderly and infants particularly vulnerable.
19 Health concern #1 in areas affected by natural disasters.
Treatment: antibiotics & immediate rehydration.
A medical aid that classifies human feces into seven categories. T1 to T2 tend to constipation, T6 to T7 tend to diarrhea. T3 to T5 are considered ideal.