“In Vivo” trial in China, Dalian Polytechnic University AGRAZINC 100.


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Presentation transcript:

“In Vivo” trial in China, Dalian Polytechnic University AGRAZINC 100

AGRAZINC 100: Effects of ZnO sources on piglet’s performance(2007. April)  Trial design and Place 6 weeks old piglets weaned at 35 days, 60 heads. 20 heads/group, 3 test groups. 24 days trail Dr. Wang, Ji-Hui(Prof.), Dalian Polytechnic Univ.(China)  Trial diets design Control : normal diet spec. + ZnO 3000ppm T1: normal diet spec. + Agrazinc 300ppm T2: normal diet spec. +Agrazinc 100ppm * Effects of pharmaceutical dosage of ZnO is well known, so we have conducted this trial without ‘negative control without 3000ppm’ intentionally.  Diet : Corn-soy based diet

Measuring Items  Feed Intakes  Average Daily Gain(ADG)  FCR  Diarrhea rate(%)  Metabolism value, %  pH profile in digestive tract  Microorganism profile in digestive tract

Avg. Daily Feed Intake(ADFI) ADFI, kg 0.816± ± ±0.074

Avg. Daily Gain(ADG) 0.318± ± ±0.050 ADG, kg

FCR 2.753± ± ±0.022

Diarrhea rate (%) Diarrhea rate, % 3.45± ± ±1.92

Dry Matter(DM) Metabolism value, % DM metabolism, % 81.95± ± ±0.86

Metabolism value, %

pH profile in digestive tract pH value

Microorganism profile in digestive tract: E. coli, log 10 E. coli, log

Microorganism profile in digestive tract: Lactobacillus acid., log 10 Lactobacillus acid., log

Microorganism profile in digestive tract: Bifidobacterium bifidum, log 10 Bifidobacterium bif., log

Summary  AGRAZINC 100… It showed superior beneficial effects in growth, digestion, diarrhea and microorganism in the gut of piglet in comparison with normal pharmaceutical dosage of ZnO. It means we can reduce inclusion level of ZnO in animal diets with sustainable performances ~3000ppm → 100~150ppm of ZnO..and avoid environmental pollution. In addition, AGRAZINC 100 also showed a good performance in micro organism control in the gut; reduction in E. coli. It may replace AGPs in diets successfully.

AGRAZINC 100: benefits  Treat and prevent Diarrhea  Minimize the excretion of Zn: prevent environmental pollution  Better Feed Intake  Alternative for AGPs  ADG & FCR improvement  Reduce pH in the gut  Increase the activity of beneficial micro organism  Reduction in pathogen; E. coli etc.