A 68-yr-old man with necrotic lung nodules 6 yrs ago. Permanant pacemaker insertion d/t 3rd degree AV block 4 yrs ago. DOE/ascities/PND/orthopnea 로 지방대 병원 입원. –* echo : EF RHF Dx. 입원치료 –* echo : EF 18%, DCM, severe LV systolic dysfunction. –BAE, LV & RV dilatation, mod.MR, mod ~ severe TR –* TMT : persistent pacing rhythm (p wave sensing : good) – 이후 PPM f/u check & opd f/u 하며 지냄. 7 months ago Common cold(+) 발생후 DOE 악화되어 입 원 & HT w/u 후 퇴원 4 months ago; Heart transplantation 시행함 13 days ago; diarrhea 로 입원
A cavitary lesion in right upper lobe and multifocal patchy nodular consolidations in both lower lung zones.
Necrotic nodules with necrosis in both lungs
Necrotizing aspergillus pneumonia (invasive aspergillosis)