Health Education “HIV/AIDS”
Objectives Staff will gain knowledge and understanding of HIV and AIDS. Staff will be able to differentiate between the virus and the disease. Staff will be able to identify methods of transmission and preventive measures.
Key Words/Concepts Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): the virus that kills your CD4 cells and your immune system and eventually causes AIDS. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS): A disease you get when HIV destroys your immune system. Immune System: the human body’s system that fights off infection.
HIV/AIDS Facts HIV can be transmitted to others through sexual contact, the introduction of infected blood into the bloodstream, or from an infected mother to her infant during birth or by breastfeeding. HIV infection leads to AIDS in all but a few cases. A person with HIV may look and feel completely healthy. A person can be HIV positive and not realize it and may unknowingly pass the virus on to others. The HIV virus itself is not a very strong virus. It is not air born and has a very short life span outside of human fluids.
HIV/AIDS Facts (cont.) HIV/AIDS has become an epidemic in the African American community. African Americans accounted for 47% of cases diagnosed in 2005. African American men are more than nine times more likely to die of AIDS than non-Hispanic white men. AIDS is the leading cause of death in African American women aged 25- 34 years old and the third leading cause of death in African American men in the same age group.
Ways that you cannot get HIV: By working with or being around someone who has HIV From sweat, spit, tears, clothes, drinking fountains, phones, toilet seat, or through everyday things like sharing a meal From insect bites or stings From donating blood From a closed-mouth kiss (there is small chance of getting it from open-mouthed or “French” kissing with an infected person because of possible blood contact)
Common Signs/Symptoms Many infected people DO NOT have symptoms at all for many years!!! Rapid weight loss Dry cough Recurring fever or profuse night sweats Profound and unexplained fatigue
Common Signs/Symptoms Swollen lymph glands in the armpits, groin, or neck Diarrhea that lasts for more than a week White spots or unusual blemishes on the tongue, in the mouth, or in the throat Red, brown, pink, or purplish blotches on or under the skin or inside the mouth, nose, or eyelids. Memory loss, depression, and other neurological disorders
Risk Factors What increases my chances of contracting HIV? Having sexual contact, including oral sex, with an HIV positive person without using a latex condom or having sexual contact with someone whose HIV status is unknown Unprotected sex Having multiple sex partners Drug and alcohol use Living in a community with a high prevalence of HIV
Preventive Measures Abstinence Awareness Condoms One sexual partner known to be HIV free
Summary “AIDS/HIV does not care about the color of your skin, your religious beliefs, your sexuality, your age or your socio-economic standing – it is an equal opportunity deadly virus!” ( YOU must be responsible for YOU!!! Practice safe sex. If you think you may symptoms of HIV or AIDS stop having sex immediately and contact the Wellness Center for an appointment.