Body Composition Bodies come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Research shoes that there are 3 main body types (somata types) Endomorph Mesomorph Ectomorph Keep in mind these are not ‘true’ types as no one ever matches these categories exactly- they are examples to help us think of body composition issues
Endomorph This body type is a soft, round pear shape with excess fat around the hips and waist with little muscle definition.
Mesomorph This body type is naturally well muscled with broad shoulders. These people look fit even when out of shape and can put on muscles easily.
Ectomorph This body type is a very thin, long boned body type with little muscle or fat.
Body Composition Fat protects organs, insulates body tissue, provides energy, and helps breaks down certain vitamins (A, D, E, and K). Although SOME fat is needed for the body to function properly too much fat can cause health problems.
What is Body Composition? BODY COMPOSITION is the distribution of fat throughout the body composition in relation to bone, muscles, and tissue.
How can you measure body composition Body appraisals are intended to get an idea of whether one should be concerned about underlying health issues Body appraisals have their limitations and no not work for everyone Examples of appraisals Body Mass Index (BMI) Waist Circumference (WC) + Body Mass Index (BMI) Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR)
Body Mass Index (BMI) Provides you with a rough indication whether your weigh is appropriate for your height- but doesn’t directly measure the amount of body fat. Does not work well for the elderly, young children, teenagers, and very fit individuals. Therefore, it is recommended that it be combined with the Waist Circumference.
Calculating BMI 1. Use a tape measure and find your height in meters 2. Using a weighing scale, find your weight in kg (2.2 pounds in a kg) 3. To calculate your BMI divide your weight in kg by your height in meters squared
What is wrong with the BMI? 5 pounds of fat vs. 5 pounds of muscle
Waist Circumference (WC)+ BMI The waist circumference (WC) is effective in predicting the health risks associated with excess fat around your midsection.
Finding Your WC 1. While holding one end of the tape measure, reach around your partner (or yourself) and grasp the other end of the tape with your hands 2. The tape should be perfectly horizontal (even) and midway between the bottom of the rib cage and hip bones (above belly button) 3. Record your measurement to the nearest 0.5cm
Calculating your WC + BMI Add your BMI and your WC Example: A 17 year old female: BMI= 23 WC= 28 BMI+ WC= = 51 ** See page 92 in the textbook to determine your body composition rating **
Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) Used to indicate the risk of diseases in adults Excess calories not used as energy is stored as body fat. We usually store our fat above (apple) or below the waist (pear). Where we store our fat is associated with different levels of health risks Example: The apple shape individual has greater chance of developing cardiovascular diseases (strokes, high BP, etc)
Calculating your WHR 1. Stand up straight with your stomach relaxed 2. Find the narrowest point at your waist (just above belly button) 3. Record your measurements in centimetres 4. Find the widest point at your hips and buttocks and record your hip measurement 5. Divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement.
Interpreting WHR Research suggests that a healthy WHR for women should be a ratio of less than 0.8 Research suggest that a healthy WHR for men should be a ratio of less than 0.9 The higher the number the greater the risk of developing cardiovascular disease Note: these studies are done on adult subjects so values may be different for teenagers.