PERFORM A PERSONNEL SEARCH TASK #191-376-5208 SSG Nevis 100 th TCSBde.


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Presentation transcript:


2 Outline  Administrative Remarks  Action, Condition, Standards (TLO)  Organization of the Search Team  Conduct Contact Search  Conduct Non-contact Search  Summary and Review  Knowledge Check  Conclusion

3 Administration  Cell phones  Building evacuation  Environment  Risk Level = Low

4 Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) ELO  Action: Perform a Personnel Search  Conditions: In a training area with ample room for students practice and instructional feedback, given a block of instruction, and demonstration on the standing search on a subject.  Standards: Thoroughly search all persons entering or exiting the checkpoint. Personnel with contraband are not permitted through the checkpoint. Personnel with contraband are detained and the personnel search team sustains no injuries.

5 Organization of the Search Team  Personnel (SOS) The Searcher The Observer The Security (2)

6 The Searcher  S.O.S. The individual performing the search

7 The Observer  S. O.S  Acts as an over watch, to maintain overall eye contact with person being searched.  To detect threat to team, pays particular attention to: Hands Eyes  Allows The Searcher to focus on detailed search.

8 The Observer (cont.)  Must be able to move freely to prevent anyone from getting between him and the individual being searched

9 The Security  S.O. S  A team of two soldiers that have the responsibility of restricting access to and from the search area and provide area security

10 Establishing the site The Searcher The Observer Security Detainee

11 Weapons  Only The Security will have a weapon  Rules of Engagement (ROE) is to use minimal force such as a BUTT Stroke to the shoulder.

12 Communication  STOPLIGHT METHOD GREEN: Everything is okay with search, the Security remains at Port Arms. YELLOW: Means the Searcher has seen or felt something, but is not sure what it is. On Yellow the Security stays at Port Arms but at a higher state of alert in order to administer a butt stroke to the shoulder. RED: Definite threat to the team. On Red, the team STOPS, DETAINS, and REPORTS to higher. The Security will point their weapon at the individual but will not put finger on trigger or take the weapon off safe.

13 Two types of Searches  Contact Male searching Male Female searching Female  Non-Contact Male searching Female Female searching Male

14 Conduct Contact Search  Head  Hair  Collar  Arm  Chest  Back  Waist  Leg  Groin  Foot

15 Head  The Searcher will instruct the person to remove his/her hat and sweep the inside and outside of it.  Once that is complete. Have them hand it to the Searcher.  The Searcher will conduct the same search. Once satisfied, the Searcher will place the hat on the table.

16 Hair  Regardless if they have long or short hair, check everyone the same way.  Have them bend forward at the waist and rake their fingers through their hair, from back to front. Look for anything that might be woven into the hair (i.e. det-cord or blasting caps).  While bent over, look around the neck for any chains or a necklace. Once satisfied have them stand up, if they have a chain or necklace, have them take it out so you can see if anything is woven to it.

17 Collar  Lift collar and sweep from rear center to front (left or right side) searching one side at a time ensuring that nothing has been sewn into the collar.  Wherever your hands go your eyes go.

18 Arm  Standing behind the person have them raise their arms at shoulder level with palms facing up and maintaining positive control of the individual at all times with one hand.  Starting at the neck, sweep out to the armpit area, once at the armpit area form a circle shape with your hand around the arm and sweep out to the fingertips ensuring nothing is taped to the body.

19  What you did to the right arm you will do to the left. At the end of the sleeve you may notice a watch, make sure that it is working. If watch does not work ask why and try to determine if it is some kind of device.  While at the wrist you notice that the hand is closed. It could be cold or person might be trying to hide something. With hand facing up, have the person slowly open it. Arm (cont)

20 Arm (cont)  If you find something: Immediately go to Yellow or Red based on your observation. At the same time, the Security can be at heightened alert or if at Red points their weapons at the person but doesn’t put his finger on the trigger or take the weapon off safe.  Repeat process for both arms.

21 Chest  You can choose one of two methods:  One hand method  Have the person extend their arms out to shoulder level. Standing behind the person, start at the shoulder with one hand, sweep down under the armpit and down to the waist. Continue all the way across the chest in an overlapping pattern, once half way change side. What you do to one side do the same to the other. Always maintaining positive control with the other hand.

22 Chest (Cont)  You can choose one of two methods:  Two hand method  Stand behind the person and have them raise both arms to shoulder level. Starting at both shoulders, sweep down under the armpits and down to the waist. Continue all the way across the chest until the fingertips of both hands touch.

23 Waist  As a Searcher it is important not to expose more than 1 to 2 inches of flesh when lifting the shirt.  Once they lift their shirt do a quick visual around the waist to ensure they have no weapons. Then insert two fingers into the waistband of the pants. Using a sweeping and shaking motion, feel for anything that might be sewn into the waistline and at the same time shaking anything loose from the groin area.  Wherever your hands go your eyes go. Look and listening for anything in the groin or pocket area that may be a threat.

24 Back  While standing behind the person, inter lock the thumbs of your hands, palms facing out. Start at Left or Right shoulder and sweep down the back to the waist. Continue this process and ensure to overlap sweeps until you have search the entire back.

25 Legs  With one knee on the ground start on the right side, with your hand sweep down from the waist to the top of the shoes in a 360-degree manner checking the entire leg.  If you see or come in contact with something in the pockets, stop and sound off with Yellow or Red. Anyone can call Red or Yellow however, only the Searcher can bring the team back to Green.  On Yellow you will remain behind the person so you can have positive control if needed.

26 Legs (cont)  If something is found, instruct the person to remove the item from his pocket slowly. You will mirror his hand with your hand over his as it goes into his pocket.  As the person removes his hand, keep it close to their body. Within the first few seconds you want to be able to identify the object.  If the object is NOT contraband, go Green and continue the search. Start at the last area you checked to ensure the pocket is empty.  Repeat the process for the other leg.

27 Groin  Keep in mind that in all cultures the groin is a private area and you must use a non- demeaning, non-suggestive technique to conduct the search.  Using the backside of your hands in this area will greatly reduce non- appropriate contact. The best way to remember this is right hand left thigh and left hand right thigh.

28 Groin (cont)  Have the person place feet more than shoulder width apart and toes pointed outward. Reach between the legs above the groin area checking to make sure that nothing is taped to the body. With the hand forming a knife-edge while touching the inner thigh, sweep through the groin area and up through the buttocks.  What you did to one side do the same to the other.

29 Foot  With two fingers, sweep the top inside of the shoe, if too tight have the person loosen or remove. Have the person wiggle their toes while you ensure shoe is not too big.  If the shoe is too big, have them remove it. Have them check it and then you check it. Check entire shoe while it is off. If they don’t need to remove their shoes, have the person lift up their heel, checking to make sure it isn’t a false heel. It is very easy to hide items in a hollowed out heel.  Repeat process for other foot.

30 Summary  Organization of the Search Team  Conduct Contact Search

31 Knowledge Check  How many members are there in a search team?

32 Knowledge Check  How many members are there in a search team?  4

33 Knowledge Check  Can a male search a female?

34 Knowledge Check  Can a male search a female?  No, unless exigent circumstances

35 Knowledge Check  Do you do a “pat down” search?

36 Knowledge Check  Do you do a “pat down” search?  No. You use a “rub down” or “massaging” method

37 Knowledge Check  How many members are there in a search team?  4  Can a male search a female?  No, unless exigent circumstances  Do you do a “pat down” search?  No. You use a “rub down” or “massaging” method

38 Conclusion  A Search Team can only be as strong as its weakest link. If the individual is motivated, and uses teamwork and the Search Team maintains a high state of readiness and training, this will produce an effective unit. The training you learned here today will be the basis for future operations in your upcoming assignment.