150 (+) 1000 (+) The ”recast” EWC directive La directive CEE ”refondue” Directive 2009/38/EC
Companies affected by the directive 150 (+) 1000 (+) Volontary agreements Accords volontaires avant 22/9/1996 June 2011 in cases of restructuring Juin 2011 en cas de restructuratio New agreements June 2011 Nouveaux accords juin 2011 Agreements dir 94/45 Accords signés 5/6/2009 – 5/6/2011
Controlling undertakings Company or group? Entreprise ou groupe?
Constitution of a special negotiating body Central management Written request for negotiations Demande écrite de négociations 100 (+) SNBGSN 5% 12% 28 % 55%
Trade unions - Syndicats - Gewerkschaften? SNBGSN EIF Coordinator
Negotiations No! 2/32/3 2/32/3 SNBGSN EIF Coordinator Experts
Information Consultation EWC - CEE Time Temps Zeit Content Contenu Inhalt Fashion Manière Weise Avis Opinion Stellungnahme Impact?
In the agreement – dans l’accorg 2 x2 x Venue, frequency and duration of meetings Validity of the agreement Informationand consultation Information and consultation Composition EWC - CEE Financial and material resources &Training “ To represent collectively the interests of the employees..” Special negotiating body Undertakings Etablissements EWC Local Linkage EWC & local representation bodies
Transnational ?
A new agreement or the Subsidiary requirements? 100 (+) Central management NO ! Subsidiary requirements 6 months
Application of subsidiary requirements Special negotiating body EIF Coordinator Experts Subsidiary requirements 3 years
Subsidiary requirements Extraordinary meetings extra One meeting per year Information and consultation Experts Internal preparatory meeting Financial and material resources & Training Select committee (5!) EWC Compostion of EWC Undetakings covered
Company structure Employment trends Mergers, downsizing, closures Economic and financial situation and trends New working methods Organisational changes Investment plans €€ Transfer of production Collective redundancies € Changes in activities, production and sales Information and consultation rights (subsidiary requirements)
Art 6 agreements 5/6/2009 – 5/6/2011 Directive 2009/38/EC Art 13 agreements...22/9/1996 New agreements June 2011 Art 13 agreements when expiring Art 6 agreements when expiring Mergers, downsizing, closures Restructuring
Existing EWCs and Restructuring? EWC - CEE 1EWC - CEE 2 Merger - Fusion Special negotiating body