How can we contribute to a celebration? Click to listen to story.
Small Groups Timer
Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Arcade Games Jigword Matchword Speedword Wordsearch Word Web Spelling City –Voc. Spelling City-Amazing Spelling Words: Speedword Word Web Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words: Fill-in-the Blank Spelling City
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Vocabulary Words Thanksgiving hooves riverbank lumbered Amazing Words dine holiday participate decorate banquet flare glimmer whispery
A Turkey for Thanksgiving High Frequency Words everybody sorry promise minute brought behind door
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Word Wall Words nice ride quit joke jump Spelling Words tail paint main stay wait today say tray away holiday play daily raise raisin brain
Big Question: How can we contribute to a celebration? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Monday Morning Warm-Up Holidays are a pleasant time when people gather together to celebrate. How can we contribute to a celebration?
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Monday Morning Warm-Up Holidays are a pleasant time when people gather together to celebrate. How can we contribute to a celebration?
Today we will learn about: Amazing Words Long a: a, ai, ay Drawing conclusions Possessive Nouns
Turkey for Thanksgiving Amazing Words
dine When you dine, you eat dinner. We dined on a huge turkey on Thanksgiving Day. We will dine on hot dogs and potato salad at the picnic.
holiday hol – i – day A holiday is a day when people celebrate something special. Thanksgiving is a holiday for people in the United States. The 4 th of July is the holiday when we celebrate the birth of our country.
participate par – tic – i - pate When you participate in something, you join in. The girls always participate in soccer. Gwen wants to participate in the singing contest.
Click to listen to the song.
Long a: a, ai, ay late What do you know about reading this word? late Today we’ll learn about ai and ay words that also stand for the long a sound.
apron CVCe-When a word has a vowel- consonant-silent e pattern, the vowel usually stands for its long sound. – make – race – plate CVVC-When two vowels appear together in a word or syllable, the first usually stands for its long sound and the second is silent. – braid – nail – train CVV –The letters ay usually stand for the long a sound. – day – play –stay CV – When a word or a syllable ends with a single vowel, the vowel sound is usually long. – paper – baby – label
Long a: a, ai, ay laid When the letters ai are together in a word or syllable, the a stands for its long vowel sound and the i is silent. –“When 2 vowels go walking, the first does the talking, and the second one stays quiet.”
Long a: a, ai, ay stay When the letters ay are together in a word or syllable, the a stands for its long vowel sound and the y is silent. –“When 2 vowels go walking, the first does the talking, and the second one stays quiet.”
Long a: a, ai, ay You can blend longer words with the long a by dividing them into smaller chunks, or syllables. When a word or syllable ends with a single vowel, the vowel sound is usually long. Read one syllable at a time and then blend them together. –today
Long a: a, ai, ay Blend these words together. snail gray braid clay sprain sway paint
Long a: a, ai, ay Blend these words together. aim hay claim stay gain way faint
Long a: a, ai, ay Building Words a – i – o b – d – n r – t - y
Word Reading rain bake away say claim crack pail maze stain fray race parched afraid sway match
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Word Wall Words nice ride quit joke jump Spelling Words tail paint main stay wait today say tray away holiday play daily raise raisin brain
Word Family Word – nice (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends dice mice rice price slice spice
Word Family Word – nice dice spiceslice mice rice
Word Family Word – ride (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends hide side tide wide chide bride glide slide snide stride
Word Family Word – ride hide tide bride stride slideglide
Let Talk About Working Together!
Draw Conclusions To draw conclusions, we use what we know about real life and what we read to figure out more about the characters and what happens in the story. Good readers ask themselves if their conclusions make sense.
Read-Aloud Happy’s Holiday
Daily Fix-It The dog had pant on his tal. The dog had paint on his tail. he wantted to wash it awae. He wanted to wash it away.
Possessive Nouns Plural nouns name more than one person, place, animal, or thing. Some nouns change spelling when they become plural.
Possessive Nouns A noun that shows who or what owns something is a possessive noun. To show ownership, add an apostrophe (’) and –s when the noun is singular. –the turkey’s tail (one turkey, singular)
Possessive Nouns Add just an apostrophe (’) when the noun is plural. –The rabbits’ tails (more than one rabbit, plural)
Possessive Nouns Happy the Dog’s party was fun! All of his friend’s food was very good. All of his friends’ food was very good. Hermans’ belly was full after dinner. Herman’s belly was full after dinner.
Possessive Nouns head of one horse horse’s head legs of two goats goats’ legs mane of one lion lion’s mane dinner of several animals animals’ dinner
Wrap Up Your Day! Long a: a, ai, ay Draw Conclusions Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow we will read about a group of animals who are celebrating Thanksgiving.
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Monday Journal Topic List friends you would like to dine with.
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about a holiday celebration. We will read about what a group of animals does on Thanksgiving day. What do you usually do on Thanksgiving?
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about a holiday celebration. We will read about what a group of animals does on Thanksgiving day. What do you usually do on Thanksgiving?
Today we will learn about: Amazing Words Long a: a, ai, ay Drawing conclusions Visualizing High-Frequency Words Vocabulary Words Possessive Nouns
Turkey for Thanksgiving Amazing Words
decorate dec – o –rate When you decorate, you make it as pretty as you can. My mom decorated my birthday cake with baseballs made of frosting. We decorated the Thanksgiving dinner table with little turkeys we made out of paper.
banquet ban - quet A banquet is a very special dinner. Our school held a special banquet in the gym for all the parents. There was an awards banquet at the end of the season for all the teams.
flare When something flares, it flames or lights briefly and unsteadily. The campfire flare up before it went out. Dad struck a match to light the birthday candles, and they flared up quickly.
Read-Aloud My First Chinese New Year
Long a: a, ai, ay claim You can read this word because you know how to read words with the long a sound. Which letters makes the long a sound in claim?
Long a: a, ai, ay When the letters ay or ai are together in a word or syllable, the a stands for its long vowel sound and the i or y is silent. –“When 2 vowels go walking, the first does the talking, and the second one stays quiet.”
Long a: a, ai, ay detail birthday afraid haystack remain crayon explain maybe obtain
Long a: a, ai, ay Pick out the words with a long a sound in “A Party Plan.” say paper lazy Ray mail invitations Gail
Long a: a, ai, ay play, spray, mail, hay, waist, braid, today, paint, stain, away aiay
Long a: a, ai, ay play, spray, mail, hay, waist, braid, today, paint, stain, away aiay play
Long a: a, ai, ay play, spray, mail, hay, waist, braid, today, paint, stain, away aiay play spray
Long a: a, ai, ay play, spray, mail, hay, waist, braid, today, paint, stain, away aiay mail play spray
Long a: a, ai, ay play, spray, mail, hay, waist, braid, today, paint, stain, away aiay mail play spray hay
Long a: a, ai, ay play, spray, mail, hay, waist, braid, today, paint, stain, away aiay mail waist play spray hay
Long a: a, ai, ay play, spray, mail, hay, waist, braid, today, paint, stain, away aiay mail waist braid play spray hay
Long a: a, ai, ay play, spray, mail, hay, waist, braid, today, paint, stain, away aiay mail waist braid play spray hay today
Long a: a, ai, ay play, spray, mail, hay, waist, braid, today, paint, stain, away aiay mail waist braid paint play spray hay today
Long a: a, ai, ay play, spray, mail, hay, waist, braid, today, paint, stain, away aiay mail waist braid paint stain play spray hay today
Long a: a, ai, ay play, spray, mail, hay, waist, braid, today, paint, stain, away aiay mail waist braid paint stain play spray hay today away
Long a: a, ai, ay Will you stay and paint today? Did you say we will raise the tray? I can’t wait to play over the holiday.
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Word Wall Words nice ride quit joke jump Spelling Words tail paint main stay wait today say tray away holiday play daily raise raisin brain
Word Family Word – quit (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends bit fit hit kit lit mit nit pit sit wit zit knit skit slit spit
Word Family Word – quit bit kit mit skit slit nit pit zitknit spit
Draw Conclusions Drawing conclusions means using what you know about real life and what you read to figure out something about the characters and what happens in a story. As you read, look for clues that will help you draw sensible conclusions. Think about what you know in real life to help you draw conclusions about the story you’re reading.
Visualize When you visualize something, you can picture it in your mind. Paying attention to how something is described can help readers to imagine it and understand what they read. Ask yourself these questions as you read “A Turkey for Thanksgiving.” –How can I picture what is happening as I read? –What do the pictures in my mind remind me of? –What words help me imagine what is being described?
A Turkey for Thanksgiving High Frequency Words everybody sorry promise minute brought behind door
High-Frequency Words door sorry want behind everybody friends brought won’t minute saw show promise paper straight
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Vocabulary Words Thanksgiving hooves riverbank lumbered
Vocabulary Words Thanksgiving – a holiday for giving thanksThanksgiving hooves – the hard bottom part of the feet of animals such as moose, deer, horses, and sheep (one hoof)hooves riverbank – the rising ground beside a riverriverbank lumbered – moved slowly and awkwardly Next slide
Vocabulary Words My old dog and I went for a hike after __________ dinner.
Vocabulary Words My old dog and I went for a hike after Thanksgiving dinner. We heard cows’ ______ behind us.
Vocabulary Words My old dog and I went for a hike after Thanksgiving dinner. We heard cows’ hooves behind us. I ran up the ____ as fast as I could.
Vocabulary Words My old dog and I went for a hike after Thanksgiving dinner. We heard cows’ hooves behind us. I ran up the riverbank as fast as I could. My old dog ______ out of their way just in time.
Vocabulary Words My old dog and I went for a hike after Thanksgiving dinner. We heard cows’ hooves behind us. I ran up the riverbank as fast as I could. My old dog ______ out of their way just in time.
Vocabulary Words My old dog and I went for a hike after Thanksgiving dinner. We heard cows’ hooves behind us. I ran up the riverbank as fast as I could. My old dog lumbered out of their way just in time.
Daily Fix-It the dog askked the cat for help? The dog asked the cat for help. the cat told the dog to wat. The cat told the dog to wait.
Possessive Nouns A noun that shows who or what owns something is a possessive noun. To show ownership, add an apostrophe and –s when the noun is singular. Add just an apostrophe when the noun is plural.
Wrap Up Your Day! High Frequency Words Visualize Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow we will read about a celebration from another country.
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Tuesday Journal Topic Write about your favorite holiday.
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about Chinese New Year. Everyone in the family contributes to the celebration. How have you contributed to your family celebrations?
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about Chinese New Year. Everyone in the family contributes to the celebration. How have you contributed to your family celebrations?
Today we will learn about: Amazing Words Plurals Long a: a, ai, ay High Frequency Words Similes Possessive Nouns
Turkey for Thanksgiving Amazing Words
glimmer glim - mer A glimmer is an unsteady light. Something that glimmers shines with an unsteady light. Stars twinkled and glimmered in the dark night sky. I saw a glimmer of light down the path.
whispery whis – per - y When something is whispery, it sounds like a whisper with a soft, rustling sound. The blowing snow was whispery against the windows. The wind was whispery in the dead leaves of the tree.
Read-Aloud My First Chinese New Year
Plurals noses ditches bunnies You can read these words because you know how to read plurals –s, -es, -ies. You can cover the ending, read the base word, and then blend the base word and the ending to read the whole word.
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note notes
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady notes
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady notes ladies
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady bunch notes ladies
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady bunch notes bunches ladies
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady bunch batch notes bunches ladies
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady bunch batch notes bunches batches ladies
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady bunch batch hope notes bunches batches ladies
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady bunch batch hope notes hopes bunches batches ladies
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady bunch batch hope baby notes hopes bunches batches ladies
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady bunch batch hope baby notes hopes bunches batches ladies babies
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady bunch batch hope baby hand notes hopes bunches batches ladies babies
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady bunch batch hope baby hand notes hopes hands bunches batches ladies babies
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady bunch batch hope baby hand box notes hopes hands bunches batches ladies babies
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady bunch batch hope baby hand box notes hopes hands bunches batches boxes ladies babies
Plurals Base word-s-es-ies note lady bunch batch hope baby hand box notes hopes hands bunches batches boxes ladies babies
A Turkey for Thanksgiving High Frequency Words everybody sorry promise minute brought behind door
High-Frequency Words everybody, brought, behind, promise, sorry, minute, door “I have a surprise for you!” said Mom as she walked through the _____.
High-Frequency Words everybody, brought, behind, promise, sorry, minute, door “I have a surprise for you!” said Mom as she walked through the door. “Close your eyes. “If you peek, you’ll be ____!” she joked.
High-Frequency Words everybody, brought, behind, promise, sorry, minute, door “I have a surprise for you!” said Mom as she walked through the door. “Close your eyes. “If you peek, you’ll be sorry!” she joked. “Don’t worry, Mom. I ____ not to peek.”
High-Frequency Words everybody, brought, behind, promise, sorry, minute, door “I have a surprise for you!” said Mom as she walked through the door. “Close your eyes. “If you peek, you’ll be sorry!” she joked. “Don’t worry, Mom. I promise not to peek.” Mom was gone for only a minute. Then she came back into the room. She held something ____ her back.
High-Frequency Words everybody, brought, behind, promise, sorry, minute, door “I have a surprise for you!” said Mom as she walked through the door. “Close your eyes. “If you peek, you’ll be sorry!” she joked. “Don’t worry, Mom. I promise not to peek.” Mom was gone for only a minute. Then she came back into the room. She held something behind her back. “I ____ you something from the pet store,” said Mom.
High-Frequency Words everybody, brought, behind, promise, sorry, minute, door “I have a surprise for you!” said Mom as she walked through the door. “Close your eyes. “If you peek, you’ll be sorry!” she joked. “Don’t worry, Mom. I promise not to peek.” Mom was gone for only a minute. Then she came back into the room. She held something behind her back. “I brought you something from the pet store,” said Mom. Mia opened her eyes. “A new puppy!” she squealed. “Let’s go show ____!”
High-Frequency Words everybody, brought, behind, promise, sorry, minute, door “I have a surprise for you!” said Mom as she walked through the door. “Close your eyes. “If you peek, you’ll be sorry!” she joked. “Don’t worry, Mom. I promise not to peek.” Mom was gone for only a minute. Then she came back into the room. She held something behind her back. “I brought you something from the pet store,” said Mom. Mia opened her eyes. “A new puppy!” she squealed. “Let’s go show everybody!”
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Word Wall Words nice ride quit joke jump Spelling Words tail paint main stay wait today say tray away holiday play daily raise raisin brain
Word Family Word – joke (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends poke woke choke broke cloke smoke spoke stoke stroke
Word Family Word – joke poke choke brokecloke smoke spoke stoke
Vocabulary: Similes The story used descriptive writing to help readers picture different characters and scenes. One type of descriptive writing in the story is the use of similes, or comparisons between two unlike things using the words like or as.
Vocabulary: Similes Mr. Moose’s smile was as bright as the sun. Turkey cried like a baby. Sheep was farther up the hillside, looking round as a fur ball in his winter coat. Above them a crow hung, black as a puff of wood smoke.
Daily Fix-It the cat find the sop. The cat found the soap. sh’es a smat cat. She’s a smart cat.
Possessive Nouns Possessive nouns show ownership. bike of one girl one girl’s bike books of two boys two boys’ books
Wrap Up Your Day! Draw Conclusions Read Silently with Fluency Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow we will listen to a story about a boy whose friends contribute to his birthday celebration.
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Wednesday Journal Topic Write about a holiday celebration.
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Thursday Morning Warm-Up We can read books when we want to learn something new. What other ways can we learn about things?
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Thursday Morning Warm-Up We can read books when we want to learn something new. What other ways can we learn about things?
Today we will learn about: Long a: a, ai, ay Possessive Nouns Make Introductions
Read-Aloud The Blizzard
Sentence Reading I was scared when I got lost in the park and forgot my way back to May’s quaint farm. Each day I shall wait by the sign to watch the birds perch on the birdbath. Today I wait for the daily train with all the people. One day I will probably be an artist or ride horses. During the holidays I bought a purse, a shirt, and a darling skirt. When the day is pleasant, I sit on the porch before dark.
Long a: a, ai, ay When the letters ay or ai are together in a word or syllable, the a stands for its long vowel sound and the i or y is silent. –“When 2 vowels go walking, the first does the talking, and the second one stays quiet.”
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Word Wall Words nice ride quit joke jump Spelling Words tail paint main stay wait today say tray away holiday play daily raise raisin brain
Word Family Word – jump (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends bump dump hump lump pump rump clump slump stump
Word Family Word – jump dump hump lump clump pump rump slump stump
Thanksgiving USA Pages
Daily Fix-It she washed the dogs tail. She washed the dog’s tail. that mad him happy That made him happy.
Possessive Nouns What does a possessive noun do? How do you make a noun possessive?
ears of one dog
Possessive Nouns What does a possessive noun do? How do you make a noun possessive? ears of one dog dog’s ears
Possessive Nouns What does a possessive noun do? How do you make a noun possessive? ears of one dog tails of two cats dog’s ears
Possessive Nouns What does a possessive noun do? How do you make a noun possessive? ears of one dog tails of two cats dog’s ears cats’ tails
Possessive Nouns What does a possessive noun do? How do you make a noun possessive? ears of one dog tails of two cats shirt of one boy dog’s ears cats’ tails
Possessive Nouns What does a possessive noun do? How do you make a noun possessive? ears of one dog tails of two cats shirt of one boy dog’s ears cats’ tails boy’s shirt
Possessive Nouns What does a possessive noun do? How do you make a noun possessive? ears of one dog tails of two cats shirt of one boy dogs of two girls dog’s ears cats’ tails boy’s shirt
Possessive Nouns What does a possessive noun do? How do you make a noun possessive? ears of one dog tails of two cats shirt of one boy dogs of two girls dog’s ears cats’ tails boy’s shirt girls’ dogs
Make Introductions When you are talking with others, use a pleasant tone and listen carefully. When you introduce people who have never met before, you should include their names and how you know them. If I want to introduce Jack and Jill, I’ll say, “Jack, this is my friend Jill. Jill, this is my friend Jack.” Remember to make eye contact and speak directly to the listener.
Wrap Up Your Day! Text to Self Let’s Talk About It We heard a story about a boy who gets to celebrate his birthday with everyone from school. Tomorrow we will hear about Billy and his birthday celebration again.
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Thursday Journal Topic Write about a special holiday.
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Friday Morning Warm-Up This week we read about many celebrations. Thanksgiving, Chinese New Year, and birthdays are all things to celebrate. How can we add to a celebration?
Today we will learn about: Long a: a, ai, ay High-Frequency Words Vocabulary Words Possessive Nouns
Read-Aloud The Blizzard
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Vocabulary Words Thanksgiving hooves riverbank lumbered Amazing Words dine holiday participate decorate banquet flare glimmer whispery
Long a: a, ai, ay Mom paid the bills and put them in the mail today.
Long a: a, ai, ay Mom paid the bills and put them in the mail today. I like the quaint painting of the home by the bay.
Long a: a, ai, ay Mom paid the bills and put them in the mail today. I like the quaint painting of the home by the bay. The snail makes a trail as it inches its way along the sand.
Long a: a, ai, ay Mom paid the bills and put them in the mail today. I like the quaint painting of the home by the bay. The snail makes a trail as it inches its way along the sand. It is a gray day because of the rain.
Long a: a, ai, ay Mom paid the bills and put them in the mail today. I like the quaint painting of the home by the bay. The snail makes a trail as it inches its way along the sand. It is a gray day because of the rain.
A Turkey for Thanksgiving High Frequency Words everybody sorry promise minute brought behind door
High-Frequency Words door, promise, sorry, everybody, behind, minute, brought forgive, regret, ______
High-Frequency Words door, promise, sorry, everybody, behind, minute, brought forgive, regret, sorry bring, bringing, ______
High-Frequency Words door, promise, sorry, everybody, behind, minute, brought forgive, regret, sorry bring, bringing, brought knob, lock, _______
High-Frequency Words door, promise, sorry, everybody, behind, minute, brought forgive, regret, sorry bring, bringing, brought knob, lock, door all, everyone, _______
High-Frequency Words door, promise, sorry, everybody, behind, minute, brought forgive, regret, sorry bring, bringing, brought knob, lock, door all, everyone, everybody second, hour, ________
High-Frequency Words door, promise, sorry, everybody, behind, minute, brought forgive, regret, sorry bring, bringing, brought knob, lock, door all, everyone, everybody second, hour, minute above, in front, _________
High-Frequency Words door, promise, sorry, everybody, behind, minute, brought forgive, regret, sorry bring, bringing, brought knob, lock, door all, everyone, everybody second, hour, minute above, in front, behind vow, pledge, _________
High-Frequency Words door, promise, sorry, everybody, behind, minute, brought forgive, regret, sorry bring, bringing, brought knob, lock, door all, everyone, everybody second, hour, minute above, in front, behind vow, pledge, promise
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Word Wall Words nice ride quit joke jump Spelling Words tail paint main stay wait today say tray away holiday play daily raise raisin brain
Daily Fix-It it wasnt’ long befoe they left. It wasn’t long before they left. what fune they had. What fun they had!
Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Jigword Spelling Words: Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words: Hot Potatoes (fill-in-the- blank)Hot Potatoes (fill-in-the- blank)
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Friday Journal Topic List activities during a holiday.
A Turkey for Thanksgiving Related Links Thanksgiving on Brain Pop Flood Game Silly Turkey Starfall Similes and Metaphors Brain Pop Where's Buster? United Streaming Video Holiday Facts and Fun: ThanksgivingWhere's Buster? United Streaming Video Holiday Facts and Fun: Thanksgiving When Two Vowels Go Walking Video clip Between the Lions Crossword Puzzle Long a words Long a words Picture Hunt Starfall
APTPlus Videos (Password Required) Holiday Facts and Fun: Thanksgiving [12:28] Animated Hero Classics: William Bradford: The First Thanksgiving [27:43] U.S. Celebrations [13:00] Plymouth Plantation [15:00]
We are now ready to take our story tests. Story test –Classroom webpage, –Student page, –Taking Tests AR –Other Reading Quizzes –Quiz #