Aseptic Technique Tortorici Chapter 18 Sepsis: Blood born pathogens Antiseptic: chemical agents that inhibit pathogens Asepsis: free of pathogens (Pasteur, spoiled wine: Lister, 50% surgical mortality) Medical Asepsis: reduction in the number of organisms through disinfection * cidex, lysol, clorox. Surgical Asepsis: Destroys all organisms and spores through sterilization
Modes of transmission Direct Indirect * Fomites * Vector * Airborne (droplets and dust) * Nosocomial * Iatrogenic
Sterilization Chemical: 6-10 hours in a germicide Boiling: 12 minutes Dry heat: 3 hours at 340 o F Gas: chamber heated to 135 o F Autoclave: Pressurized steam at 250 o F. Most common in clinical use Radiation: microwave, UV, US.
Setting up a sterile field Check date and indicator on package Place pack on table Break seal, unfold first corner away from yourself Unfold sides Unfold last corner toward yourself Drop additional sterile items onto sterile field
Donning Sterile Garb Lead apron Hat and mask Shoe covers Scrub hands (see text) Sterile gown Gloves Only gloves, sleeves, and front of gown above the waist are sterile Keep gloved hands above waist
Working with Sterile Field Items are sterile or not (3 second rule does not apply) When sterile touches unsterile, entire object is contaminated Discard suspect items An unsterile person must not reach across a sterile field Spilled liquids that soak through sterile towels/sheets contaminate from surface of tray Never step between sterile person and sterile field Never step between sterile table and patient table Only gloves, sleeves, and front of gown above the waist are sterile. Do not leave sterile table unattended